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You can test it yourself, if you already own the rolling stock. Just mock up some temporary track in the configuration that concerns you, and test it.MH
I'm considering adding a short curved grade, about 1.5ft with 0.5in elevation gain which work out to around 2.8% grade. I wouldn't be pulling long trains over this, just 4-5 cars (per loco) typically. Will the AZL locos (most of the roster) be able to handle this? I can leave it off and make the grade 0% (which I originally intended for simplicity's sake) but it's more prototypical with the grade, which actually is about 1.5%.
I'm curious... if the actual grade is 1.5%, why not make the layout grade 1.5%? After all, you are doing this because the grade is "more prototypical" than flat, but your proposed grade is 1.3% greater than prototypical, not that much different than the 1.5% difference between flat and prototypical.