I often "decant" pain from spray cans to spray it through my airbrush. There is plenty of info on how to do this if you search the Internet for "decanting spray can paints", or something similar. But some of the methods are not very safe. I never puncture the can!
I simply change the spray nozzle to one on which I installed a plastic tube. I have collection of various such nozzles as different brands of paint use different nozzles. Then I just spray the paint out thought the nozzle into an empty glass bottle. Carefully, as the paint will bubble as it sprays out because the liquid propellant (usually propane) in the liquid paint expands to gas. Once you have enough paint, screw the lid back onto the bottle, but to not tighten it as the propellant will keep on evaporating from the paint for few days. Also do not shake the bottle as the propellant can bubble up.
Once all the propellant escapes, the paint will be safe to use. This sounds like a hassle, but it isn't really that bad. As I mentioned, I do this fairly frequently.