Author Topic: Passenger Car lighting circuit.  (Read 755 times)

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Re: Passenger Car lighting circuit.
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2024, 09:50:48 AM »
Nice work!

Dude smokin' in the corner has some killer bell bottoms!

@tehachapifan , I know, right?  He's from a million pack of inexpensive and crappily painted off brand figures from the 80's.


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Re: Passenger Car lighting circuit.
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2024, 10:01:19 AM »

Also, I remember asking @peteski  why a voltage regulator is not required, but I don’t recall his explanation, and I can’t find the thread.  Apologies Peter, but might you care to enlighten once again?

There is nothing inherently wrong with it, but to me a regulator  is an unnecessary complication, and it also robs power from the anti-flicker caps (if they are installed on the unregulated side of the regulator).  A simple explanation is that basically a regulator needs to dissipate (as heat) the unused voltage.  So if the input to the regulator is 12V and output is 5V, the 6V has to be "burned off".  If there is no regulator that extra energy can be used to power the LEDs, so the amount of time the LEDs  stays powered from caps during loss of continuity to the track is shorter. 
. . . 42 . . .

Dwight in Toronto

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Re: Passenger Car lighting circuit.
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2024, 12:38:57 PM »
Awesome Pete - many thanks as always!

By the way, as of 20 minutes ago, that troublesome Kato ES44AC is back in business and doing loop-D-loops on my test oval.  I’ll update that original thread later today, so as to properly close it up and shut it down.  Suffice to say - new Kato motor plus new LS5 58741 decoder = success.