I saw a picture of it today and CN continues to disappoint me with their lack of effort on anything heritage related.
I dunno, they did a great job on the BCOL, EJE, GTW, and IC ES44AC/SD70M-2 units. The WC could've done better on the nose (more maroon, less yellow). They did 7600 and it's slug up in that atrocious green and yellow scheme, and 7601 and slug as IC black units.
Their timetable is odd, stretched out over several years, and what they do seems pretty random, but the results are not bad. At least they're painting them in actual predecessor schemes unlike UP... and CSX to a degree.
A zebra stripped unit would've been nice; a far more significant CN scheme than that damned g&g that so many cling to as the only CN scheme worthy of the heritage honorific.