Author Topic: The HOn30 Coupler Dilemma - Minitrains Loops and Microtrains Couplers  (Read 965 times)

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Dave V

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I didn't know that when I ordered the Minitrains F&C equipment that the very Eurpoean-style hook and loop couplers they come with would be anything other than a straightforward swap for Microtrains knuckles. But...they're actually--in some cases--integral to the piece.

Here's the coupler I'm talking about:

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Here's some of my equipment showing truck-mounted and--in the case of locomotives--integral to the frame couplers:

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"Eh, so what?" you might ask. I'm not building this to be prototypical. However, where I run into a problem is using literally any other manufacturers equipment, to wit:

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I have two gondola kits and a boxcar kit representing North American-style freight cars that are mean for MTL 1015 couplers.

So... I can try to carve up and ham-fist some Microtrains couplers into my Minitrains equipment, or I can pay through the nose to try to ship some of those ugly wire loop couplers from the UK and add them to my otherwise very nice laser kits.

What have others done?


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Re: The HOn30 Coupler Dilemma - Minitrains Loops and Microtrains Couplers
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2023, 06:53:16 PM »
I put 1015 couplers on just about everything. On a few 3D cars I just printed dummy couplers along with the car just because. Never messed around with Minitrains cars, but it looks easy to mount couplers to them.

This layout 1'x2' so those curves are a little less than 5" radius.
Now those passenger cars do have 3D printed long shank dummy couplers. But the climax has regular 1015 body mounted couplers along with the log cars, the boxcar, and the caboose.

I use the same coupler height as in N scale just to keep it easy to do. You can always toy around with some N scale cars to see how the couplers will work out.

Dave V

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Re: The HOn30 Coupler Dilemma - Minitrains Loops and Microtrains Couplers
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2023, 07:54:57 PM »
Thanks, Chris, that's actually very helpful.