Mr. JD Colombo I wish I did live closer. I'm in DE. I have no problems wiring and soldering. I can program the new decoders as well. My big issue is getting the lights to work.
I've installed four in the EM-1 and Kato FEFs and three cab fwd and some others that are pretty much straight fwd wiring and soldering but it's getting the lights to work in the BLI engines. I used a T1 to make the S1 with the 3D body. Fun job but it has no lights.
Going by your experience (and successful light/LED installs in other locos), I'm sure that with our help you can successfully get the lights working in your other locos. Especially if you are good with wiring and soldering. Seriously, it's as easy as hooking up a motor to the decoder (with possibly having to add a series resistor). 2-wire hookup! What you do for a job is 100 times more involved and complex than hooking lights to a decoder.
Or if you are so afraid of attacking this problem, we have few members here who do decoder installs for a fee. I'm sure they can do the decoder swap for you.
We could start with helping you out in adding working lights in that S1/T1. Probably start another thread in the DCC section.
Also, which specific locos with their BLI decoders have the "no-run" condition?