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mu26aehCabinet looks like ones used for art, poster or drawing storage. Could you tell me brand or more details about it.
It's been a long time since I posted anything modeling related in the weekly update, but think it's probably time. I finally retired from the military at the beginning of the year after 28 years and my wife and I moved into our new house where we plan to stay for a long time. I started with an empty basement on March 30th and have slowly worked my way to where I am today on the layout. I've had a lot of time off while I'm between jobs and waiting for training to start (I'm now a corporate pilot, but that's another story...). It is a single level, 26'x37' around the walls layout and features a double mainline that is built for basically train watching with some industry's to switch along the route. It's all freelance as I've lived in way to may locations to pick one favorite to focus on. As some may remember, I was doing a lot of custom painting, detailing, and weathering up until about 2015 when I took command and my free time all but vanished. I've been just accumulating rolling stock and engines since then and was focused on weathering everything when I did have some free time. I ended up going up a scale to HO because my eyesight is not doing me any favors and I hate wearing bifocals. Anyway, here's some photos of what I was working on this weekend. I'm almost ready to start laying the ballast in this area, just need to finish some minor water details before I "plant" the bridge semi-permanently. That's why the rail joiners look rather beat up. Cheers,Brian (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)
I started working on a couple of the new N Scale Kits depressed center flats. These kits are a hot mess compared to any other kit NSK makes. I had to rebuild every bolster to get the truck spacing right and I had to narrow the end of the car to match the prototype. Lots more left to do before paint.
Do not pet the fluffy cows
The shot down the aisle is how I envision my new layout wrap around. Great work.