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That's is some pretty impressive work, but I can see how it would be too tedious at the quantity for a layout. To me this looks like a good candidate for photoetching, but that might get a bit pricey.
Nice scene! May I ask which figure you used for the tractor driver? Looking forward to doing my farm scene atop the helix one day.Tim
What did you use for the field crop?
Looks like Preiser 79125, seated industrial workers and dockers.
So.. the flares made me think of a challenge - as a kid I remember seeing smudge pots used a markers on road construction sites (mid-1960s). I've never seen static models of these, much less animated...
Woodland Scenics included some with their road workers accessories
The Catenary itself isn't so bad provided I get a standardized spacing and make a jig, but definitely the case with the EZ line since that took me 3hrs for this 17cm span. The layout in concept is going to be tough and I may need to search around for a setup that both makes sense and is simpler. The ones I have here would be the most appropriate but the Mast can only practically be 3D printed and I would prefer it be brass. Then also experiment if its a big visual difference to omit the smaller power cables and guy wires while still doing the Catenary.
@sirenwerks it's just Woodland Scenics ground foam (coarse medium green, I think?). I laid-out the rows with a ruler and pencil, carefully applied a small bead of Elmers glue to each row (maybe 6-8 rows at a time, so the glue didn't skim-over), and applied the ground foam. I was going for soy beans, and most people ask if that's what they are. So, I'd call that a scenicing win. Chris
Cased rolling stock got moved into their new home this evening.
Cased rolling stock got moved into their new home this evening. Depending on jewel case size, 75-95 cars fit in a drawer, 1 layer. The 5 upper drawers can be double stacked if needed. Bottom 3 drawers can be triple stacked. After moving everything in a case, I still have 1 completely empty drawer. I still have a large number of cars without cases I have in Iron Horse storage boxes. And my locomotives aren't moved yet