Author Topic: Loksound 5 Sound Editing??  (Read 819 times)

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Loksound 5 Sound Editing??
« on: December 15, 2021, 02:05:13 AM »
Has anyone made much headway in performing edits to LS5 sound files using a Lokprogrammer? I somehow managed (thru stumbling and bumbling) to remove an annoying air hiss (one of the air dryer files) in one sound file and changed compressor types in another, but I'm not sure I can repeat either as this has to be the most non-intuitive program ever. Now I'm trying to import either the entire horn pack or a single horn from one sound file into another sound file. I managed to move the horn pack once but also managed to delete all other sounds in the process. Now, any attempts at anything with the horns immediately put me over the red line for capacity, even if I try to only bring over a single horn. Maybe what I'm attempting isn't doable, but I thought this was one of the selling points on the LS5's(?). At any rate, anyone have any intel or links to tutorials on how to actually perform edits? I found a couple videos on YT where he goes way too fast and I have no idea what he is doing. Thanks!


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Re: Loksound 5 Sound Editing??
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2021, 02:27:54 AM »
While I have not done any ESU sound project editing, I have been a member of for quite some time now, and I see questions like yours being asked from time to time.  There are lots of helpful folks there who not only edit existing sound projects, but they also create their own sound projects.  There is also a LokSound manual available in the Files section of the group, written by one of the members and much easier to comprehend than anything from ESU.  It was written for LokSound V4, but most of it still applies to V5.

If I were you I would join that group, then take your entire post from here and post it there.
. . . 42 . . .


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Re: Loksound 5 Sound Editing??
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2021, 03:10:11 AM »
I'll check it out. Thanks!


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Re: Loksound 5 Sound Editing??
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2021, 11:20:50 AM »
Youtube might have what you are looking for. I have been learning how to add my own sounds. Infact, I am sitting here waiting for the sound to write to see if it worked or not. I want a defect detector to go off when I press a button. I also added a horn from the template pack, replacing all the horns with this 1. That opened up a fair bit of space. Now, did it work? LOL


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Re: Loksound 5 Sound Editing??
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2021, 01:44:36 PM »
While I have not done any ESU sound project editing, I have been a member of for quite some time now, and I see questions like yours being asked from time to time.  There are lots of helpful folks there who not only edit existing sound projects, but they also create their own sound projects.  There is also a LokSound manual available in the Files section of the group, written by one of the members and much easier to comprehend than anything from ESU.  It was written for LokSound V4, but most of it still applies to V5.

If I were you I would join that group, then take your entire post from here and post it there.

Yes, Phil Dunlap's manual is well written.  But, it isn't a step-by-step how to, either (there really isn't any easy way to do that, since the first-step can lead to so many different directions).

The absolute first steps to take is, for any sound editing, remember to save the file immediately with a different name (sometimes I just add "My..." to the front of the ESU file name), so that you don't lose anything, or get can't find your work.   Also, as to memory issues, make sure to select the correct decoder version before starting, and I always try to erase any unused sounds (i.e., if replacing the horn pack, remove the original after importing the new).

As with everything ESU, steep initial learning curve, then it all "clicks into place" and makes sense.  NB: I'm still at the import a good sound from another file / source level - I have done some basic editing of sounds, but that is a whole other rabbit hole
Rick Brodzinsky
Chief Engineer - JACALAR Railroad
Silicon Valley FreeMo-N