Release note clipping showing new features. New LokSound 5/LokPilot 5/Essential Sound Unit firmware with lighting enhancements.
Initial support for the upcoming LokPilot 5 Basic DCC decoder.
Version 5.1.4:
- New decoder:
* LokPilot 5 Basic.
- LokSound 5 family / LokPilot 5 family / Essential Sound Unit:
* new firmware version 5.5.139
-> new CV 114: Fade-In time for light function outputs can be defined now.
-> new CV 115: Fade-Out time for light function outputs can be defined now.
-> new CV 131: Brightness of dimmed lamps (if logical function dimmer is active) can be defined now (in the past it was fixed 50% of the brightness).
-> new settings for servo outputs: the servo pulse can now remain enabled for each end position of the servo.
- LokSound 5 micro E24 DCC renamed to LokSound 5 nano DCC.