Author Topic: PRR X30 74’ Fire Truck transport boxcar build  (Read 885 times)

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PRR X30 74’ Fire Truck transport boxcar build
« on: December 30, 2020, 06:40:02 PM »
Some folks wanted a little more detail on my PRR X30 74’ fire truck transport boxcar. Here is some important information about the car, from Jerry Britton’s pages:

First I harvested an end door from an MT 60’ car with an end door. #78010 series, and chiseled out a recess on one end of the FNS X31 to fit the door. Still missing couplers. I had to add some styrene filler pieces to provide enough thread for the 1015 couplers.

Here is the fit up of the door before I separated the ends from the car.

This picture shows the initial splice of the ends onto the center, double door portion.

Post splice of the FNS X32 and X31 ends, I have added my etched hinges from the Keystone Deta8ls horse car end door etch to the grafted end door:

Here I have spliced the two cars underbodies to get the bolster spacing correct, and showing one side of the car after adding some filler. The splices attempted to maintain the proper number of panels on each side of the double doors

Here is the opposite side of the splice. The chassis used PRR class 2D-F12 trucks from Keystone Details.

Here is the preliminary look of the car after adding stirrups and a etched brass ladder.

Model nearly completed after I spliced the FNS roof walk and mounted it to the roof.

Here is the behemoth after paint.

The next two images are during decaling. @Teditor designed and printed then for me based on the photos above. The set includes circle keystone for the EXPERIMENTAL and revenue schemes, plain keystone, revenue scheme only, and sans serf PRR herald for the 60’s era. I have extra sets for a nominal fee if anyone wants to try this one of a kind PRR car.

This is the completed car without weathering.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2020, 07:26:11 PM by Lemosteam »


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Re: PRR X30 74’ Fire Truck transport boxcar build
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2020, 07:39:03 PM »
You da man! Excellent! Thanks for putting this together!
Never argue with idiots; they'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.


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Re: PRR X30 74’ Fire Truck transport boxcar build
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2020, 08:22:40 PM »
PM sent!