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Just finished this large batch of installs of LokSound 5 Micro DCC and LokPilot 5 Micro DCC decoders into a large set of Intermountain N-scale F units. As I was auto tuning them and speed matching, I noticed a difference in behavior between the two decoders and starting delay.First: after timing the startup delay in the sound file and setting the value for that delay in the LokPilots, starting from a dead halt (throttle=0) works just perfectly. This is the way it should.But, if one reverses the direction of the locos WHILE THEY ARE MOVING (I know, not supposed to do this, not prototypical, but not uncommon among modelers), the LokPilots and the LokSounds decelerate to 0 at the same (set) rate, but the LokSounds immediately ramp back up in the other direction, while the LokPilots delay moving for the length of time in the startiup delay.Honestly, I'm not really sure which behavior I would prefer, just caught me by surprise that the decoders behave differently.
Nope, won't fix the issue at all. You have VERY OLD (for the LP 5) firmware. The only way to upgrade it is with a LokProgrammer (current version is 5.3.128)
Well, Crap. I may have to invest in a LokProgrammer, and a new computer to run the software.
Sadly it's simply a Covid related component issue. They are coming but part lead times are unexpectedly long right now. We are also looking at other component sources, but they are limited. We want them released more than anyone.
If you're planning on having a number of ESU decoders - LokSound or LokPilot, it's really a nice way to go. Unfortunately, a component supply problem related to COVID is delaying a new run/shipment of LokProgrammers.If you join the ESU group on Groups.IO you can ask if there is a member near you able to program your units. https://groups.io/g/LoksoundOr ask here. I'm in Saginaw, Texas, near Fort Worth. But I don't think you're near me.
The lokpilot decoders are really nice also....