Excellent. Is there a full list anywhere so I can plan purchases?
I've been monitoring the whole "BNSF Circle Logo" question and--aside from some "leaked" photos from Rob A's beautiful euro layout (which isn't necessarily proof of life
) a week or so ago--it is nice to have confirmation that these did indeed make the cut. (Bizarrely, it seems the Circle Logo Maxi-I's aren't available in any other scale that I can tell! EDIT: It does look like Athearn did them in HO at some point.)
I did buy one of the Swoosh versions...somewhat to hedge bets in case they did not release a Circle Logo. (it would be a good starting point) But also because swoosh is on the tail end of my modeling era so it is worthwhile to have at least one.
Regarding the "list", here's what one could surmise based on current info:
Confirmed/LikelyTTX/SP [Delivered]
BNSF Swoosh [Announced]
BNSF Circle [Pics from Rob A.'s layout; Confirmed via TheRailwire.net]
TTX New [In Video]
Maersk [In Video]
TTX (1991-2008 Logo) [Unconfirmed but, surely...most common scheme]
Unknown or "No"BN Yellow [Confirmed No; Athearn HO]
AOK [Because, Kato?]
Trailer Train [Athearn HO]
Northwest Container [Athearn HO]
K-Line/Railbridge Blue [Athearn HO]
Maersk Patched SFLC/BNSF/SP/?? [Athearn HO]
SP Red [Athearn HO]