Author Topic: Kato NYC 20th Centurty Limited - PWRS, official announcement soonish?  (Read 16429 times)

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Kato could have done a phase 1 and still only do them in NYC paint.  :P

Does Atlas have the LL E7?  I don't recall Walthers ever doing them. 



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With all the different variations of E8/9 & F units why would you expect them to not offer different variations of the E7. Heck the SDP40F comes to mind. Amtrak version and ATSF version.

If NYC had only had phase 2 E7's I'd totally understand. But they had phase 1 E7's and lots of other roads did too. So why not tool a phase 1 E7 that could be used for other trains with just a new paint job?

This is like them doing the ATSF phase 2 SDP40F's with the nose notches before doing the AMTK phase 2 SDP40F's. Not surprisingly sales on a locomotive that  only had a niche market in the first place were less than expected, so I've heard they won't do the Amtrak phase 2 ones for a long while, if ever.

So they cant be surprised if the number of E7 sales doesn't live up to what they expected based on everyone asking for one over the years, because I'd bet almost everyone asking wanted a phase 1 E7, not a phase 2.


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If NYC had only had phase 2 E7's I'd totally understand. But they had phase 1 E7's and lots of other roads did too. So why not tool a phase 1 E7 that could be used for other trains with just a new paint job?

This is like them doing the ATSF phase 2 SDP40F's with the nose notches before doing the AMTK phase 2 SDP40F's. Not surprisingly sales on a locomotive that  only had a niche market in the first place were less than expected, so I've heard they won't do the Amtrak phase 2 ones for a long while, if ever.

So they cant be surprised if the number of E7 sales doesn't live up to what they expected based on everyone asking for one over the years, because I'd bet almost everyone asking wanted a phase 1 E7, not a phase 2.

I could have sworn that they did the Amtrak (Ph II?) SDP40F first. I have couple of the Amtrak ones, and I seem to recall then only the ATSF version came out later.

Hey, if they released their infamous RDCs in schemes different than what they did, those would have likely sold better too.  Those were released in several body variations.
. . . 42 . . .


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If NYC had only had phase 2 E7's I'd totally understand. But they had phase 1 E7's and lots of other roads did too. So why not tool a phase 1 E7 that could be used for other trains with just a new paint job?

This is like them doing the ATSF phase 2 SDP40F's with the nose notches before doing the AMTK phase 2 SDP40F's. Not surprisingly sales on a locomotive that  only had a niche market in the first place were less than expected, so I've heard they won't do the Amtrak phase 2 ones for a long while, if ever.

So they cant be surprised if the number of E7 sales doesn't live up to what they expected based on everyone asking for one over the years, because I'd bet almost everyone asking wanted a phase 1 E7, not a phase 2.

I think we will see plenty of variations, the real question is how long it will take them to bring them out. I just hope they do breakdown and offer a B unit. AB packs of two would rock!

Way of the Zephyr


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Kato could have done a phase 1 and still only do them in NYC paint.  :P

Does Atlas have the LL E7?  I don't recall Walthers ever doing them. 


Although I don't know if Atlas has the tooling, LL did make them:


« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 02:23:56 PM by Lemosteam »


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Tokyo set the production numbers per individual item so high only half sold, thus killing the second production which had the @#&**!!! Boston and Maine and the rest of the roadnames planned.   I am still proud that other than Lionel I got the only production RDC4 units for N Scale....even Rapido Canada dares not tread there yet.
Let the poor deceased equine rest!
Charlie Vlk


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Although I don't know if Atlas has the tooling, LL did make them:

I believe that was the premise of my question.  :)

(Yeah there's nothing on the Spookshow's site about Walther's or Atlas  :P)

« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 02:31:54 PM by wcfn100 »


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Let the poor deceased equine rest!
Charlie Vlk

No Way!
 I bought bunch undecorated ones at the firehouse sale, and will eventually paint them all for the $&*@ Boston & Maine that I model, even if it kills me.  :D
. . . 42 . . .


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I could have sworn that they did the Amtrak (Ph II?) SDP40F first. I have couple of the Amtrak ones, and I seem to recall then only the ATSF version came out later.

Regarding the SDP40F:

There is a "pointed nose" version and a "flat nose" version.

And then there is a Phase II paint scheme with variations on the nose band.

I guess they had a "flat nose" version with Phase II paint. I have yet to find it.



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Tokyo set the production numbers per individual item so high only half sold, thus killing the second production which had the @#&**!!! Boston and Maine and the rest of the roadnames planned.   I am still proud that other than Lionel I got the only production RDC4 units for N Scale....even Rapido Canada dares not tread there yet.
Let the poor deceased equine rest!
Charlie Vlk

Not to beat it furthur, but it is a shame that it turned out the way it did... My RDCs are among my favorite models, and it would be amazing for them to see the light of day again...
A few schemes I can think of that would make me part with some currency. CPR (hockymask) CP Rail (Action Red) CN (noodle) Via (3 different schemes iirc) PGE/BC Rail, and my own favorite Missabe :)

Some are on my project list and im always on the lookout for more RDCs (prices are crazy lately!)

Btw Charlie, the era that you worked with Kato imho produced some of the nicest tooling they have ever made! Thank you...
The Railwire is not your personal army.  :trollface:


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I could have sworn that they did the Amtrak (Ph II?) SDP40F first. I have couple of the Amtrak ones, and I seem to recall then only the ATSF version came out later.

Hey, if they released their infamous RDCs in schemes different than what they did, those would have likely sold better too.  Those were released in several body variations.

It's sort of a side tangent on the SDP40F's but it's interesting to look up

I think there is a bit of confusion here on the Amtrak SDP40F's...176-9201 and 176-9202 were phase I body, phase I paint.  Released May 2016.  Those sold out pretty quickly...early 2018 on both.  176-9203 and 176-9204 were phase I body, phase II paint. These were released in July of 2016  Those sold out of Kato in mid/late 2019.  At some point there is a plan to make more phase I painted's gotten bumped a couple of times though.  Not sure if there's ever a plan to do the phase II carbody.  Maybe someday, but as with anything Kato, don't hold your breath.

The ATSF units (3 seperate sku's) and the Maersk unit came out in November of 2016.  The first two numbers are still available, the third and Maersk are long gone.

I was curious so I looked up how many I installed ESU LokSound in.  Let's just's alot.

Anywhoo...take anything with a grain of salt you read on the interwebz and stay safe!




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Amtrak had 40 Phase 1(pointed nose) SDP40F's that were originally in phase 1(bloody nose) paint until about 1976, when they got an overhaul and were all painted in phase 2 (thin white stripe) paint. These units were almost exclusively used on trains that ran over the BN and ATSF.

They had 110 phase 2 (flat nose) units that were delivered in phase 1(bloody nose) paint. Some of these eventually got phase 3( three equal stripe) paint. Kato made their ATSF model base on this flat nose version, which ATSF bought 25 and added front walkways and cut notches out of the nose. These 110 units showed up on pretty much every other Amtrak route in the US that had SDP40F's.

SF Chief

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I've got no problem with Kato's E7s, if by Phase 2 you mean the ones with the big angled number boards.  Of NYC's 36 E7s, all but the first 8 had the angled number boards. (They also had only 8 E7Bs and no E8Bs.) The only other railroads I'm reasonably familiar with that used E7s--SP, UP and B&O--also had the type with the angled number boards; B&O, like NYC, had both styles. One nice thing about these Kato E7s is they have the single headlight, which is also appropriate for B&O.  The old Life Like E7, though the shell fits nicely on the Kato E5/E8 mechanism, has two headlights, along with the small number boards.
I'm really looking forward to picking up this TCL set.


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I've got no problem with Kato's E7s, if by Phase 2 you mean the ones with the big angled number boards.

Phase 2 is more about the extra louvers on the side.



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Kato has an E8A/E9A with one and two headlights. They also have versions with and without dynamic brakes.

How hard can it be to make an E7A with two headlights?    :?
