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@Lemosteam - John, looks like you've done more in the last few weeks than I have done in the last 3 years.
While the layout has been quiet for some time, I have been making some progress on various equipment projects. Locomotives are high on the agenda due to their expense and thus my desire to complete them prior to retirement.Jordan spreader BCOL 996301 now has rear vertical grab irons, paint, window glass and wipers, and tungsten weight in the centre sill:Next is decals, weathering and final assembly.I finished my CN C-424 build last week and it is now ready for the paint shop after receiving final cab and carbody details. The two biggest jobs for this locomotive were correcting the rear end (donated from an Atlas C-420 shell) and moving the battery boxes from the cab to underneath the left walkway:M-630 722 and M-630W 727 now have couplers, cut levers, hoses and plows:Lots more work still ahead for these two.Tim
Nice work, Tim, as usual. And apparently efficient, too.I wish I could get that organized and work on projects in assembly line-like fashion like you.Otto
Great progress Tim! What did you use for your M630w? I have a Briggs M630 that a kitbashed with a Briggs M420 to start mine but yours look different.Craig
Thank you Otto; yes, working assembly line style has its advantages, particularly with freight car construction. it pays off at the painting stage too, where the work of prepping and painting can be applied to numerous models simultaneously.Thank you Craig; I was going to go that route for my M-630W and had stockpiled the parts to do just that, but Jeff now offers a 3D printed M-630W kit which is what you see here. It has been primed at this early stage for ease of locating drill holes.Tim