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I used a very old Silhouette cutter by QuicKutz. Michael got this thing used from a coworker years ago and it has been sitting in a box for a long time. We had to dig out his old computer with an outdated operating system to run it. After struggling with software and hardware issues we got it going. I used the the deepest cutting setting and it scored the styrene perfectly but would not cut through. It was easy enough to punch out the openings but I will be looking for a new blade that will complete the job or possibly just get a more modern cutter. Like I said, this was a feasibility study and if I feel it is worth it to get a new system I will.
You'll be good, even amazed! And that will be cool as could be. What wall thickness did you draw?
Hegstad:I would really like to see what you come out with , since I model the NP And as I wait for my bridge barrel platforms to arrive so that i can finish my double track Green River Viaduct module, I turned my attention to a matter that has gotten under my skin. I bought 3 sets of BLI F7 A/B sets and 2 of them run ok, little sputters now and then but ok. The third was a basket case from day one and Tech support tried to help me out, but in the end I sent it in on Warranty and after 30 + days i got it back. So it ran good for the first 5 minutes and then started its sputtering, jerking like before. Couldn't even go 2 inches without rebooting So i e-mailed back and they asked me to try some things and neither worked, but after looking at the trucks, it seemed that the pickup plates had to much play and I wondered if that could be reduced and then maybe create a better pick up. Well the answer is yes !! I bought the smallest brass washers at the LHS and tried putting one washer on each side of the first wheel on the front truck snapped that back onto the frame and had it crawling over areas that it previously could not run.So removed the rear truck and installed on opposite axles for a different approach and snapped that on.Let me say the difference is incredible. Now i look at the 2 good runners and they anti s**t compared.I would also like to give a positive shout out to BLI tech staff. I never had issues and they replied pretty quickthe one thing I would like to try is find thinner washers. These are walthers stuff and are .100" wide x .015" thick and hole dia. of .045"Anyone know of maybe .005" or .010 " thicknessesBTWHappy New Year to all.Miguel
I finished up a new Scale Car. I’ll just say the 3D print was lacking. This took a fair amount of work. (Attachment Link)