Author Topic: Kato Maxi IV parts  (Read 723 times)

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Kato Maxi IV parts
« on: December 04, 2018, 07:38:38 PM »
  Does anybody have a go-to store for kato parts besides Kato?  I bought a BNSF maxi IV set that needs help and Im trying to see if i can find some parts.  Kato has a few items but not all.  Maybe someone used something different to fix theirs?   I need a truck for articulation(KATO has this), maxi IV mounting pins(KATO has but wrong color), and end handholds(KATO doesnt have a A or B section in any color.  I also have no A section and two B sections.  Anybody change a number on a Kato car?  Whats best way to do so?   All ideas you have will help!  Thanks