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"Bobbleheading" is more appropriate while switching.
The location Jim is representing here (CA 58 over the tracks at Woodford) is surprisingly devoid of signage, there are no breaks in the divider and definitely no U-turns for emergency vehicles - roadway is too narrow. Here's the one and only sign in roughly two miles of highway:https://goo.gl/maps/FGVSHgA545kJim did a great job on this because I recognized it immediately. 58 through here is a horrible stretch to drive, with steep grades, narrow lanes, and impatient truckers bullying their way through frequently heavy-but-already-way-too-fast traffic. Even 40 years ago I hated this road, fearing I'd be wiped off the road trying to navigate it in my Beetle.
That's a wrap! I finished my scratch-built F22 flat today! For a first attempt at scratch-building I'm thrilled with how it turned out. [/size][/color] (Attachment Link)
Love your wooden deck - beautiful.Now how about some details regarding what is scratchbuilt and what came from where.
That article is junk and that kid has no clue about track circuits, let alone a CORRECT picture of signal appliances. You can't take every article written as fact Pete! Most people don't understand anything about signaling so writing adv article on it is probably a bad idea. Drasko
More details and some corrections made - the scene has come together nicely and I'm really happy the way it turned out. Here are four shots, no description needed.Of course I've also been working on other parts of the layout, the cleanup seems endless. I'm most grateful the damage was confined to the big room.
The common trigger is the running at a low, scale speed. Micro Trains couplersEd
The common trigger is the the running at a low, scale speed. Micro Trains couplers.
There, fixed that for ya!