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How early is the "early" version of the 33.9K tank? 60s or 70s?
I am liking the Q hoppers!
They did big UP steam now we need those three bay offset side hoppers WITH ribs that the UP had a ton of and were pulled by big UP power . PLEASE
Earliest date on the flyers is 1992+
Won't the Athearn (MDC) and Bluford fill that bill adequately? After all looks like the same 70T models...?d
The earliest non stripe tank was 1995. May be earlier build dates but stripes date them to at lest mid-late 2000s
N 50' FMC CENTERED DOUBLE DOOR BOXhttp://www.athearn.com/newsletter/042718/10_N-scale_50ft_FMC_dbldr_042718.pdfN LPG 33.9K TANK CARhttp://www.athearn.com/newsletter/042718/11_N-scale_33.9K_LPG_042718.pdfN 3-BAY RIBBED HOPPERhttp://www.athearn.com/newsletter/042718/12_N-scale_3-bay_Ribbed_Hopper_042718.pdfIf you look at the artwork for the 3 bay hopper, it would be new tooling for N, but I'm pretty sure that Athearn just got lazy and used the HO artwork here and that these are the old MDC/Roundhouse tooling ... (either way the NS hoppers are foobs)Overall link: http://www.athearn.com/Articles/Hobbywire.aspxNuttin here for me! Mark