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Dear Santa:- BLI PRR T1- and when their done with that how about a PRR J1- more great vehicles from Rasputin - 1 million lumps of N scale coal for the T1 and J1
All told, I’m pretty happy with what is out there and with what is coming in 2018. 1) IM gets the N Scale GP10s done on schedule with no delays.2) IM gets the announced run of 2 Bay covered hoppers done 1st Qtr 2018.After that I’m pretty content.
I'm surprised you'd rather have a T1 over a J1. Weren't there far more J1s and weren't they used quite a bit more?
I want Atlas to make a sound equipped GP7/9 and to offer B&M GP9s in the as delivered Blue/Black/White McGinnis scheme.
Kato:PCC interurban streetcars
the PCC was a suburban car, not an interurban. An Interurban had larger trucks and wheels that would provide a faster, smoother ride.