Author Topic: Rivarossi Heavyweights  (Read 12145 times)

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Frisco Larry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2017, 05:18:08 PM »
For the first time, I see your photos.

Excellent modeling!


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2017, 06:18:57 PM »
For the first time, I see your photos.

Excellent modeling!



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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2017, 08:13:01 PM »
Beautiful work.

What are you using for N scale Venetian blinds ?

Angus Shops

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2017, 08:40:54 PM »
Whoopee, I see the photos! Great modelling as well. It looks to me like your window blinds have a representation of a 'handle' on their lower edge - how did you do that? It's a great detail.

Now that you seem to have mastered the art of posting photos, is there a definitive 'how to' guide you'd like to share? I admit I've felt a little intimidated re: posting photos and I'd like get past that...



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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2017, 08:55:11 PM »
Ding ding ding!  We have a winner!  That last photo is the bomb!  :)

Loren Perry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2017, 09:46:45 PM »
Beautiful work.

What are you using for N scale Venetian blinds ?

I drew up a simple pattern of lines on my computer using Adobe Illustrator and scaled them to fit the car windows. Then I printed out a bunch of them in pre-measured strips on off-white paper and cut them out and "Goo-ed" them into place on the insides of the clear plastic window strips.

Loren Perry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2017, 10:47:40 PM »
Whoopee, I see the photos! Great modelling as well. It looks to me like your window blinds have a representation of a 'handle' on their lower edge - how did you do that? It's a great detail.

Now that you seem to have mastered the art of posting photos, is there a definitive 'how to' guide you'd like to share? I admit I've felt a little intimidated re: posting photos and I'd like get past that...


Hi, Geoff-

It's the least I can do - yes I'll give it my best shot. My instructions are for a desktop computer, so you'll have to adapt them if you're using a handheld device. And if you're using a MacIntosh or any computer with a mouse that has just one button, you can "right click" by holding down the Control button on your keyboard at the same time you click with the mouse. All of these instructions are based on what I've learned from Bob, Max, Pete, and all the rest of the wonderful guys on this site who "held my hand" during my learning process. I don't know your level of internet experience, so I'm writing these instructions as though you're a beginner or just not knowledgeable about some of this business (like me.) Please forgive me if I go overboard a bit.

1. First, take a digital photo in your camera and then connect the camera to your computer via a cord or a card reader or something similar.

2. Now use your computer to download the photo you took from the camera and place it into a folder on your computer's desktop (new file or old - your choice) where you keep your on-line photo collection. Be sure to give the photo a label so you can find it later.

3. Now open a photo account with Google at their Google photos site: (

4. The instructions there are pretty short and simple, but make sure you place your photos in an Album where you're holding all your Shared Photos file so they'll appear on the web when you post them later on. To Upload the photo into your file, go to the very top of the screen where you'll see the buttons Create and Upload. Click on Upload. A box will open up with a list of your files. Open the one that has your photos (mine is called Scans.) Click on the line showing the name of the photo you want.

5. Now click on Choose to select that photo. A small box will open up at the bottom left of your screen and you'll see the photo load in a few seconds. When done, it'll change so you can see two selections to choose from: Add to Album, and Shared Album. Click on Shared Album. If you don't specify Shared Album or Shared Photos, you'll have the same problem I was having. Place every photo you want to show on the RailWire site in that file. You'll eventually have a screen that shows rows of photos all across the screen.

6. Now use your mouse and drag the entire screen showing the Google Photos site off to the side a bit and open the RailWire website. Arrange both of them on your monitor so you can see most of each website at the same time. You'll be clicking and working on both at the same time for a few steps.

7. Go to this website (RailWire) and open a thread you're interested in where you want to place your photo. You can either start a New Topic or Reply to an older one.

8. Write your message in the RailWire message block. Wherever you want place your photo, use your mouse to position the little vertical blinking cursor line where the photo is to start.

9. Now go back to the Google Photos site and open your Albums file (if it isn't already open.) You'll find its button on the extreme upper left side of the screen.

10. Find the photo you want and then click (left click) on it with your mouse. When it comes up on your screen, click on it a second time and it'll show up very large on your screen.

11. Now "right click" on this image and a small dialog box shows up on the image. Click on "Copy Image Address" (slightly more than half way down) and then...

12. Go back to the message you're writing on the RailWire site. Click (left click) on the spot showing the blinking vertical line where you're about to place your photo and then "right click" there. A small dialog box will show up. Click on "Paste" which about halfway down.

13. A long computer code will appear on the screen where you want your photo to be. Go to the very end (make sure you've got it all) and then type in ?jpg right up against it with no spaces.

14. Next, use your mouse cursor and then highlight the entire code from end to end. When it's all highlighted (light blue in my case), look about one inch above the message block and all the way to the left. You'll see a Very Happy Smiley Face emoji at the bottom left of the rows of emojis. Directly above it is a tiny representation of a color portrait (under the bold B button). With the code still highlighted, click on that tiny color portrait.

15. This will add the following to your code: [img at the front and /img] at the end.

16. If you want to add another photo, move your blinking cursor line several spaces below the code and then repeat Steps 10 through 15. You can also type in extra text between the blocks of code if you want. Make sure you've actually left a little space between the code and the text on both tops and bottoms to keep things looking neat onscreen later. To make a space change, place your blinking cursor line at the very front (or very rear) of the code for the photo and then hit the Return key on your keyboard as needed.

17. At the bottom right of your screen (scroll if needed to find it), you'll see two light blue buttons: Post and Preview. Click on Preview.

18. After 15 to 30 seconds, your completed message with photos will start building on your screen. In a few more seconds, you should see it all. If everything is looking good, click Post and you're done.

Once your message with photo(s) is posted on the RailWire site, you can modify the text if necessary by clicking on the Modify button at the right side of the screen.

This is the system I'm using right now. It only took me a few hours of practice and now everything seems to happen quickly, automatically, and with no mental burnout. Of course I've yet to confirm that absolutely every member of this site is able to see the photos I've posted. No complaints have been reported as of this writing.

I hope I got all this right. If any of the more experienced gurus out there spot a mistake, let me know ASAP and I'll correct it at once.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 01:18:05 PM by Loren Perry »


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #67 on: September 20, 2017, 06:39:26 AM »
Yes! I see all your pix!! Don't feel bad, it took me a long time to figure out how to get my pix on blogs, too. I even complained to TRW a long while back about their demand we use photo servers instead of just letting us post stuff directly.
These RR cars are very good, but I'm not keen on the golf-ball sized rivets. I take a sharp razor blade and lightly run it over a line of them to reduce their size somewhat. Purists probably scrape them off completely and replace them with Archer rivets.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 06:46:06 AM by OldEastRR »


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #68 on: September 20, 2017, 08:00:26 AM »
Great photos and nice work on all the cars.  Thanks also for the info on venetian blinds.  I was thinking of trying something similar as I have too many passenger cars to use brass ones everywhere.

Which leaves me with one more question- wondering what camera+lens you used to get that last shot (close up of the observation).  I can just about distinguish individual grains of sand in the weathering- it's a great miniature shot.

Tom D.

I have a mind like a steel trap...a VERY rusty, old steel trap.

Loren Perry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #69 on: September 20, 2017, 12:42:31 PM »
Great photos and nice work on all the cars.  Thanks also for the info on venetian blinds.  I was thinking of trying something similar as I have too many passenger cars to use brass ones everywhere.

Which leaves me with one more question- wondering what camera+lens you used to get that last shot (close up of the observation).  I can just about distinguish individual grains of sand in the weathering- it's a great miniature shot.

Hi, Thomas -

Believe it or not, I'm still using my beloved ten+ year old Kodak DC2500 digital camera with no attachments. To get that photo, I used the telephoto control to get maximum enlargement, and then pressed it again to use the "digital enlargement" feature which sometimes results in a slightly grainy appearance under certain conditions, almost like Kodak ASA 400 film would do back in the camera film era. All the other photos were taken with this same camera including any I've had published in N Scale magazine. The wide angle feature was used to take the photo showing the engine and first few cars in front of the icing dock.

Loren Perry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #70 on: September 20, 2017, 01:15:41 PM »
I'm still running into a roadblock when it comes to re-sizing or shrinking the size of the photos I've posted here. I clicked on Modify and then went to the code of the photo I'm trying to re-size. Then I found the "w" and "h" symbols at the end of the code and changed the number from 1808 on the "w" side to 1000 and saved it. But no dice. The image remained exactly how I last saw it.

What have I forgotten?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 02:07:35 PM by Loren Perry »


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #71 on: September 20, 2017, 01:34:28 PM »
I'm still running into a roadblock when it comes to re-sizing or shrinking the size of the photos I've posted here. I clicked on Modify and then went to the code of the photo I'm trying to re-size. Then I found the "w" and "h" symbols at the end of the code and changed the number from 1808 on the "w" side the 1000 and saved it. But no dice. The image remained exactly how I last saw it.

What have I forgotten?

It probably did change, but only by 24 pixals so maybe you didn't notice.  The forum defaults to a width 1024px so your image that was 1808px still only shows 1024px on the forum until it's clicked on and then it depends on your screen resolution for the pop-up window.

Try a number like 480 and you'll see it.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 01:36:11 PM by wcfn100 »

Loren Perry

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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2017, 02:06:46 PM »
It probably did change, but only by 24 pixals so maybe you didn't notice.  The forum defaults to a width 1024px so your image that was 1808px still only shows 1024px on the forum until it's clicked on and then it depends on your screen resolution for the pop-up window.

Try a number like 480 and you'll see it.


Hi Jason -

While experimenting with this, I noticed height and width dimensions shown at both the front and back of the photo's code (URL). But they don't show the same numbers. I tried changing just the width of the one on the back of the code but when I saved it and re-opened the photo, nothing had changed at all. Then I tried the changing the dimensions at the front of the code and they responded! Right now I have to go through some mathematics to calculate the correct ratio when scaling down the width and the height. The result is visible now in the reduced image of the last photo of my heavyweights showing the close-up of the observation car's end railing. It's now about 70% of the size it was earlier.

So that worked but it's unwieldy and a little labor intensive, plus it takes more time that I expected. Any suggestions on how I can streamline this process?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 02:09:18 PM by Loren Perry »


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2017, 02:32:18 PM »
Hi Jason -

While experimenting with this, I noticed height and width dimensions shown at both the front and back of the photo's code (URL). But they don't show the same numbers. I tried changing just the width of the one on the back of the code but when I saved it and re-opened the photo, nothing had changed at all. Then I tried the changing the dimensions at the front of the code and they responded! Right now I have to go through some mathematics to calculate the correct ratio when scaling down the width and the height. The result is visible now in the reduced image of the last photo of my heavyweights showing the close-up of the observation car's end railing. It's now about 70% of the size it was earlier.

So that worked but it's unwieldy and a little labor intensive, plus it takes more time that I expected. Any suggestions on how I can streamline this process?

The numbers at the beginning are the ones added by the forum after you hit 'post'.  The nice thing about changing the numbers in the link is you don't have to calculate anything.  Just change width and the height is taken care of.  If this doesn't seem to be working for you, something else is going on.

I suspect that you posted a full size image first which the forum added the sizing to the beginning and then tried to change the sizing at the end.  I believe that doesn't work.  You need to either do the sizing in the URL before you post and it need to be 1024 or under for the witdh or you need to delete the sizing at the beginning if you are trying to adjust it after you post.

Clear as mud?

Here's an example of what I'm saying.

This is the original pic which is 1600 px wide but the forum resizes it to 1024.

Here's me resizing the image URL to 800 but the forums 1024 resize is still at the beginning.

And finally with the forum resize deleted.

As for streamlining, it's just a matter of knowing what works and just doing it once instead of having to try multiple things.  It will become just a step in the process .

« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 02:47:55 PM by wcfn100 »


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Re: Rivarossi Heavyweights
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2017, 03:43:53 PM »
My camera is set usually to take either 3 or 5 Megapixel photos. When posting to forums I used to resize all my photos on my computer (using photo editing software) to be 800 pixels wide and whatever height that resulted in(to make them forum-friendly).  Then I woudl upload them. But nowadays computer screens have become larger (more resolution) and the Railwire automatically resizes the uploaded photos to 1024 pixel width, I usually don't  bother resizing them myself.

When you include a link to a photo in your post, when the message is posted the Railwire automatically adds a code to large photo link to 1024 pixels wide. That simply tells the forum to display the large photo smaller (of course the photo you linked to stays at its original size).

I would not worry about resizing the photos you post to Google, and also let the forum take care of displaying them smaller automatically.  Keep it simple.
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