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You're joking....right?Cheerio!Bob Gilmore
No, I'm not Bob. 99% of models I see with separate grab-irons are so oversize and stick out a foot off the body that they scream "small-scale toy train" to me. You make yours close to scale scale and snuggled close enough to the body that they look bearable, but most factory installed or modeler-installed but factory-made grabs look toyish to me.
So I carried on with the experiment, and think I can live with the results. Either way it is an improvement on the stock grab iron arrangement. Sorry though, couldnt install molded on factory installed grabs...
Look good to me! Might I suggest sunshades in the cab windows?Geoff
Nice! Did you do the frame mods with it stripped did you leave the machanicals in place? No issue with shortening the fuel tank getting in the way of the motor?
No issue with shortening the fuel tank getting in the way of the motor?Craig
Motor in all the Kato wide-body "wagon-top" locos (F- and E-units, P42, etc.) sits flat, ways above the fuel tank area.
Not Kato.
Not Kato.Jason