Hi everyone.
John "Lemosteam" LeMerise who posts here on TRW has designed an enclosure for the Soberton 8x12mm speaker. The enclosure is printed from Black Strong & Flexible nylon plastic, and it is designed so that the Soberton will fit inside the enclosure face up, sitting on a tiny (.3mm) "shelf."
The enclosure is (or will be soon) available from his Keystone Customs shop on Shapeways here:
https://www.shapeways.com/product/5L4ZXWA28/8x12-soperton-encl-4pkI bought a four-pack of them to test with a speaker. Here's a photo of the speaker in the enclosure (I drilled a small hole in one of the short sides for the speaker wires to exit). I threaded the wires through the hole, put a bead of gel CA cement around the "shelf" inside the enclosure, dropped the speaker in (it was a perfect fit) and waited a few minutes for the CA to dry.
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And here's a video of the speaker/enclosure in action, using an ESU LokSound Select Micro with the EMD 567C sound file. Though I didn't do a direct comparison with my home-brew enclosure I built out of .030 styrene for this speaker, my subjective impression is that this sounds at least as good (maybe a bit better) and it sure makes the whole enclosure process a LOT easier.
John C.