Those diagrams look very similar to the ones in my ancient copy of Paul Mallery's "Bridge and Trestle Handbook", and he noted that most bridges 60 ft and shorter had simple sliding expansion joints, that look almost identical to the fixed end.
Any of the lower row could be could be built starting with the basic kit. Just add the roller assemblies under the basic shoe. Most bridges would have a "fixed", plate or rocker, shoe at one end, and a "moveable", sliding or roller, shoe at the other. They had to be careful if they had moveable shoes at both ends, as the bridge could then shift lengthwise, rather than just expanding and contracting.
About the only place I suspect you'd find that would be on a "continuous" bridge, where the truss or girder spans more than one gap without a break. In that case, especially if it was a "two span" design, with a single intermediate pier, they'd put the fixed shoe under the middle, and a moveable one at each end.