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Nice work again this week - love the ALCo's!Garethashenden, is that trackplan Peterborough NH?Ron
I spent some quality time applying decal stripes this week:Full details of the builds over in Detailing/Weathering/Scratchbuilding... Frank
I finished a building flat (sort of) that has been in progress for several months using Walthers modular wall sections.I decided to name it "Holmes Bros." in honor of one of my older brothers who is currently in home hospice having survived pancreatic cancer for over three years. I hope to share a photo of the structure with him when I drive north to the Chicago suburbs to visit in the next few days.
FM with DD1 containers. Just need to weather these guys. Chopped 2 scale feet from the center of a Red Caboose 42 foot car. Shaved off stake pickets. Sanded the sides flat.Added styrene to fill in the end sills. Fabricated new stake pockets from channel bracing and added a small piece of styrene on the front tops to complete the look. Grab irons were custom bent. Added end supports and used phosphor bronze wire between them. Brake wheel for this style was not freestanding. Added Archer Rivets. Tack boards applied to end sills and car sides made from scribed styrene that was roughly sanded for a fine grain. Decals by John Frantz. MTL 2004 couplers were used.MTL Bettendorf trucks with BLMA wheels. Containers available on Shapeways by Keith Thompson. Deck sides were cut with a razor to rice the appearance of individual boards. Sprayed deck with Valleho Sand/Ivory, followed by Raw Umber oil washes and gray dry brushing. Big thanks to Douglas Nelson for doing one first and figuring the hard stuff out.