I purchased the most recent release by BLI in the form of an E7. I just really "needed" the Maine Central unit. Now, I knew it came with all sorts of bells and whistles and that it ran on DCC and DC, but my goal was to run it on my DC layout. It is really a stunning loco. That being said, I don't care for it operationally on DC. I don't need sound, but I can live with it and I do know the sounds can be muted. What I don't like is that it operates like it is under the "momentum" function that came on older power packs. Unless you wait, you need to give it the juice to get going and then it is a rocket. You need to account for the momentum when stopping too.
I know I am trying to de-engineer the loco, but I am content with DC. I have a DCC system so I can make changes. Is there anyone out there that can help me take this high-tech loco back to a model T?