I would second Peteski. While I have not done the mechanical and electrical analysis that he has, my experience with both dictates that the China-built power chassis is the better performing of the two. To be sure, I was never impressed with the performance of any Atlas/Kato until the SD-7/SD-9 appeared. In fact, I would advance the argument that the Atlas/Kato SD-7/SD-9 is still one of the best operating N scale locomotives out there. But, I stray. My experience with the Atlas/Kato RS-1 power chassis has been that it is the least satisfactory of any of them, despite its having flywheels. In fact, I had an Atlas/Kato RS-1 that performed its usual poorly. As the particular road number was not on the Chinese-manufactured version, I bought a Chinese manufactured RS-1 and put the Atlas/Kato shell onto the mechanism. For those who do want to do this, you must use the Chinese-manufactured railing assembly, but the Japanese-manufactured shell will go right onto the Chinese-manufactured railing module. The whole business will then go onto the power chassis of Chinese manufacture.