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I have seen several locomotive cameras before, and cameras that are pushed by a train, I have never seen a cupola view camera car though, I thought it might be an interesting change.
Even with the tiny cameras discussed here, to make it truly hidden in the cupola you would have to place the upwards-pointing camera in the center of the cupola and have a rotating mirror placed at 45 degrees to get the images from the cupola's window. Otherwise the camera will stick up way above the original cupola roof. Unless you are simply contemplating removal of the model's cupola and replacing it with a rotating camera.
Looks like the camera dimensions are 9mm x 9mm x 11mm.
Love that cupola camera crummy car concept (forever more, the "5C"?) but some of these right angle spy mirrors have CRAZY pricing. (http://www.intertest.com/accessories/10060-ishot-right-angle-adapter-for-7mm-od-micro-cameras) $400 even without a pan motor? But there's a guy on fleabay selling a bundle of 9 of these 7mm right angle adapters for $50 ... shall we collude? I'd take one.But how would you do the pan motor without it costing a fortune? Ream the ID of the spy attachment so that it slides free of its upshot camera lens mount, and then on the OD of the lower third of the adapter, affix gearing that meshes with a worm and motor? Controlled by what, a cheapo four function DCC?