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Thanks for the writeup, John. I have two "gold" undecs on order, and your review is encouraging. Still, I'll be very interested in your custom speaker install...Regards, Otto K.
Hi folks.I finally got my sound-equipped S-2, and took it apart to take a look at the sound installation....As for operation, it is excellent, although Atlas decided to invert the normal sound on/sound off sequence for ESU decoders. Normally, an ESU decoder is silent when powered up; you press F8 to turn the sound on. The S-2, however, is just the opposite: sound is on at power-up, and you have to press F8 to turn it off. This behavior can be changed in the CV's if you want - I prefer ESU's default of "silent until F8 is pressed" but to each his own. John C.
Hello John, I agree. I had posted a question about resetting the decoder to the ESU "silent until F8 pressed" elsewhere on the 2nd release thread. I can't find any instructions in the manual on how to do that; only how to get it to come to life upon power up. Help please?Otto K.