Author Topic: N scale spotlights  (Read 917 times)

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N scale spotlights
« on: March 20, 2015, 02:34:11 PM »
I need to spotlight a sign on my layout.  I've searched for a suitable light and it seems that Brawa is the only manufacturer of such lights.  I've found Brawa 186-4538 for about $9 at (only) Wig Wag and 186-4013 for about $16 at several more sites.  Finding these lights is a problem because most of the dealers are "out of stock" with no future re-stocking.  Has anyone used either (or both) of these lights?  The 4013 might be too small, but I'm curious as to anyone's experiences with these lights.


Dick Wroblewski


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Re: N scale spotlights
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 03:43:05 PM »
No experience with them but I wouldn't even think of using them to start with . I would make my own with some styrene or wire to hold the micro LED's (or just use the twisted motor wire leads as a mount). Cheaper, probably easier, and better looking...
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