Author Topic: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?  (Read 3135 times)

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Denver Road Doug

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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2014, 10:41:37 AM »
I ultimately decided upon "caseless" storage and store mine in foam lined cardboard boxes.

Before I did that, I was looking at this: (or something very similar at Container Store)   Definitely not cheap, but perfect for the job, and lightweight so if you need to move it you're not moving heavy drafting furniture.   That may not be an important consideration for you but it was for me.

I went "all in" with caseless storage and tossed the cases.  The loss in value is surprisingly small, in my experience, and the reduced clutter factor is golden.  Personally, I don't cling to any notion that my train items are "collectible" or an investment.   In my mind it is simply buying a movie ticket.  I get some bit of enjoyment out of that $10 movie ticket, but the money is gone forever.  I don't intend to put pressure on my family that they must fight to squeeze the last dime out of my possessions.  I do know that a lot of model railroaders "justify" their hobby by promises of grand collector markets that will grant returns and retirement cashouts beyond any 401k's wildest dreams.  But, I simply know better and have no intention to deceive like that.

I'm not suggesting anyone here *IS* doing that, but I have seen it and it's a sad thing when someone is so stressed over something like that...after already having lost their loved one.   I will probably encourage them to donate the lot to a local train club and let them sort it out and use that money to support their club endeavours....something along those lines.

Anyway, I'm sorry for your troubles and I hope that your health issues subside for the long haul.   As uncomfortable as these discussions can be, they certainly are necessary...we all face that future of health problems and mortality.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 10:46:34 AM by Denver Road Doug »
NOTE: I'm no longer active on this forum.   If you need to contact me, use the e-mail address (or visit the website link) attached to this username.  Thanks.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2014, 11:34:11 AM »
Russ -
I hope whatever it is you're experiencing can be easily overcome.

I built a storage chest many years ago as seen below.  I actually got the idea from a Baseball Card shop.
There are 10 drawers with the bottom three intended for locomotives and longer jewel cases like KATO passenger cars and the like.  The drawer you see and the seven others like it can hold 108 cars in MT type jewel cases.   


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2014, 12:24:42 PM »
I use these:^95194088699-sku^630@ADL41791W-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^47509930379

I can get them for under $10 when Fred Meyer has them on sale.  Each drawer can hold 35 MT 40' cars in their boxes,
stacked 2 deep.  There is very little wasted space.  When I am industrious, I have cut a piece of thin 1/8"
aircraft plywood and placed it between the two layers of cars in a drawer, so the top layer can be completely
lifted out to see all the cars below.  That really helps when you are looking for a particular car or cars, because
you don't have to dig through a whole layer.

There are 3 drawers in a unit, so that's 105 cars.  And the units stack nicely on each other.  I have 8 of these
3-drawer things under my layout right now to hold all my unused rolling stock, as well as all my locos and loco boxes,
and all my engine carcasses which will provide fodder for future projects.

Clean, inexpensive, sturdy, expandable.

This is exactly what I use to store anything/everything related to model railroading.  Locomotives, rolling stock, detail items, tools.  They've helped dramatically improve the appearance and organization of the train room.  I have an even dozen of them
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2014, 12:35:42 PM »
I use these IKEA storage units.  The top three drawers are exactly 2 jewel cases deep, the bottom three are 3 cases deep.

Best wishes Russ.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2014, 01:22:03 PM »
I stumbled on a garage sale a few years back and saw this beautiful cabinet, 48" high, 37" wide, 20" deep sitting in the driveway. No idea what its original purpose was. The seller wanted $25 for it. With little refinishing, the best hobby buy I ever made!
Otto K.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2014, 01:29:11 PM »
I use these IKEA storage units.  The top three drawers are exactly 2 jewel cases deep, the bottom three are 3 cases deep.

Best wishes Russ.

About how many cars is that?



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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2014, 03:05:22 PM »
If you know anyone that has any connections with a printer supply place that uses the big Xerox 6,000,000 character cartriges these will hold about 25 cars with cases and they have a flip top lid with tabs that's what I use and mark on the sides what road names and manufacturers and such , and GET WELL SOON GGOD LUCK!!!!!!!


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2014, 03:39:41 PM »

...and all my engine carcasses which will provide fodder for future projects.

Boy, would I like to see a picture of that group!

Mark in Oregon


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2014, 08:00:12 PM »
I lucked up and bought  some map/blue print cabinets from a company going out of business.

I love them.  Most of my collection fits in them.
Ron Bearden
CSX N scale Archivist

"All get what they want-- not all like what they get."  Aslan the Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2014, 03:19:02 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for the great tips and all the good wishes! I really appreciate it! :D

I really like the metal map cabinets as those seem about perfect.


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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2014, 11:45:05 AM »
About how many cars is that?


Sorry for the delay - finally got a chance to check.  Inside dimensions are 23.5" w x 16.5" d, so each layer can hold 3-4 jewel cases wide by ~7 deep, so ~25 per layer (for modern cars).   At 15 layers total this gives ~375 jewel cases total.  I'm close to needing a 3rd cabinet now...

w neal

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Re: Non-Display Type Storage for N Scale Locos & Rolling Stock?
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2014, 11:53:47 AM »
I agree with Doug above. +1!!!

My local shop contracted out to have their own line of laser cut foam storage boxes made. They're kinda cool because they made some rows wider for taller cars. One thing you learn in taking your trains on the road is that the jewel cases gotta go. I've been making some extra money selling the cases off. A very rebellious thing to do, I realize. But its much more practical for me.