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Tom, I think it was just a bad photograph angle. The model really is close to scale width... maybe only 3" off at most.
How about you measure it. Jason
But I do agree that the detailing (and the fine engraving of the details) looks very impressive.
Here's an idea for Joe. After every, say, 5-10 releases or perhaps once a year....create a decal set with color-matched panels for the previous x-number of releases, so that we can easily "paint over" the windows that aren't legit for the particular locomotive we're trying to make.
I can spray some decal stock and send a few sheets out and let you guys share it. I can't send out a sample for everyone due to the cost and time...but would be willing to send it to a "rep" who can deal with it.Joe
Nice Joe! It is great to see manufacturers willing to provide this kind of service to the modeling community.Speaking of paint, model manufacturers seem to use paint which is superior to any of the available hobby paints available to the general public. Especially when it comes to the durability and the sheen of finishWould it be possible for you to reveal more details about what type/brand of paint is used by MT? Maybe the paint manufacturer/distributor would be willing to sell that paint in less than gallon (or whatever the minimum is) quantity.It would be ideal to see manufacturers of N scale models offering a lime of paints matching their models (for touch-ups or for custom painting other models to match their models. But the hassle of having to stock all those little bottles plus probably having to adhere to all sorts of hazardous material handling regulations make such offering a non-starter. Seems that a sheet of decal paper painted with an exact matching color is probably the best overall solution.
Ok pics....The shell is very thin. Probably the thinnest in N scale right now. The detail is really good. Like the tread on the walkways is near scale. It looks like 1500 grit sandpaper!....The tabs on the rear of the frame must be cut off and the rear of the frame boxed out and shortened by about 1/2mm. I did this at work with a nail file and some EMT scissors. Note I have not added any of the details including stacks, MU housing, windows, bell, tank and horn.