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Riding the Sherman Hill Club excursion train tomorrow on the DP from Denver to Cheyenne.E-9 A-B-B-A with coaches, vistas and more. Will have video tomorrow.
You ever have one of those days working on the railroad? While I was trying to get motivated to get back to highway construction on the Seaboard Central, a train that I have been running flawlessly for a number of hours over a week or two began to give me an errant derailment of the last car every once in a while. During this time, I was trying to cut and glue in wood ties between a rail and the "asphalt" to begin the wood crossing that will be at right in this picture:I've now got the asphalt piece trimmed to its final fit, and I'm satisfied that there's no significant gaps. I put this off for months, because I knew it was going to be a pain in the butt to get this fit correctly without screwing it all up and having to start over. Now, I can go on and finish the road crossing and continue paving downtown Aberdeen.Meanwhile, the Auto Train was not behaving, and I didn't get to the throttle in time to stop a minor derailment from becoming a major disaster. The last car of the train, auto carrier #9087, derailed its rearmost truck, causing it to go on the ground and pick the next switch that it came to:Once #9087 could go no further on two separate tracks, it stopped abruptly and stringlined the end of the train. Auto carrier #9099 and Coach-Baggage #31024 derailed completely and were tilting significantly once they came to a stop. Coach #34037 derailed completely but was still upright, narrowly avoiding a wood trestle pier:However, the taking the real brunt of the accident, Coach #34051 and Coach #34085, went on their sides, but, thankfully for the survivors, they avoided taking a plunge in Crystal Lake:The rest of the train stayed on the rails, despite going into emergency:The emergency workers haven't gotten a final tally of the casualties. We'll provide updates as we receive information from the accident site. I hope you're having a better weekend on your model railroad. DFF
Dave:I like the texture of your ground cover. What are you using?Thanks,Bill