Author Topic: Killashandra - Irish Nn3  (Read 99192 times)

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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #405 on: November 15, 2015, 11:30:56 PM »
On Friday I picked up a package from the post office (because our mail carriers never attempt to get a signature. They never knock on the door or ring the doorbell). It's contents was a pretty nice haul of Nn3 stuff from overseas. Some of the stuff is some crude scratchbuilt/kitbashed stuff, but others are some nifty kit items.
The best part was three Märklin 0-6-0s with Peco N6.5 saddle-tank body kits on them, and a Peco N6.5 tram body shell (no chassis under it). I've had the body shells soaking in 91% alcohol for a couple hours now to get off some thick gloss paint and rough lining and some lettering. One saddle tank body has been completely stripped, disassembled, and now reassembled and in the process of being shot with some Tamiya semi-gloss black (because my LHS was out of flat black).

Photos will get posted sooner or later.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #406 on: November 16, 2015, 11:33:56 PM »
As promised, here are a couple photos of a Peco N6.5 saddle-tank body kit atop a Märklin 0-6-0 mechanism. The body kit is whitemetal and a good bit heavier than the stock Märklin shell, so it not only gives the mechanism better traction/pick-up, but it also helps to smooth out the running quality of the Märklin mechanism.

I stripped all the original paint off the body, disassembled it and cleaned all the parts thoroughly and took care of any rough spots and removed mold-lines. Then it got a coat of Tamiya semi-gloss black (again, because my LHS was out of flat black) and then a good coat of Dullcote.

I'll remove the stock couplers at some point and fill in the space in the pilot of the locomotive.

And here it is compared to the Shapeways shell locomotive:

Since the package I got contained three saddle-tank locomotives, all with working mechanisms under them, I plan to complete my process of removing the poor paint off of the other shells and do a thorough disassembly and cleaning of all the parts. I plan to retain the worst of the remaining two saddle-tank bodies for spares for the one I have completed, and the other extra body shell will be available for sale along with one of the Märklin 0-6-0 mechanisms.

Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #407 on: November 17, 2015, 01:14:12 AM »
As promised, here are a couple photos of a Peco N6.5 saddle-tank body kit atop a Märklin 0-6-0 mechanism. The body kit is whitemetal and a good bit heavier than the stock Märklin shell, so it not only gives the mechanism better traction/pick-up, but it also helps to smooth out the running quality of the Märklin mechanism.

I stripped all the original paint off the body, disassembled it and cleaned all the parts thoroughly and took care of any rough spots and removed mold-lines. Then it got a coat of Tamiya semi-gloss black (again, because my LHS was out of flat black) and then a good coat of Dullcote.

I'll remove the stock couplers at some point and fill in the space in the pilot of the locomotive.

And here it is compared to the Shapeways shell locomotive:

Since the package I got contained three saddle-tank locomotives, all with working mechanisms under them, I plan to complete my process of removing the poor paint off of the other shells and do a thorough disassembly and cleaning of all the parts. I plan to retain the worst of the remaining two saddle-tank bodies for spares for the one I have completed, and the other extra body shell will be available for sale along with one of the Märklin 0-6-0 mechanisms.

Those shells look much better without the roller and label-maker decorations they previously wore. I actually like the sheen they have with the semi-gloss; it highlights the curvature of the boiler better. At least the flat black will go to good use... I do prefer the look of the new shells over the shapeways conversions, though. The size looks more-correct to my eye. Then again, I know little to nothing about Irish narrow gauge. Either way, keep up the good work. By next show, it should be ready for display/operation.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #408 on: November 17, 2015, 02:33:47 AM »
Yeah, that Shapeways shell looks way too large compared to the proportions of that nice Peco Saddle Tanker.

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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #409 on: November 17, 2015, 07:49:26 AM »
I do prefer the look of the new shells over the shapeways conversions, though. The size looks more-correct to my eye. Then again, I know little to nothing about Irish narrow gauge. Either way, keep up the good work. By next show, it should be ready for display/operation.


To help us visualize and compare the scale sizes of these two Nn3 locos could you retake the photos with an N scale adult standing on the rail or ties, next to the cabs? Keep up the great work and thank you in advance!

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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #410 on: November 17, 2015, 01:24:54 PM »
One N-scale bloke coming right up.

Now is probably a good time to mention that the layout is 2mm scale (1:152) as opposed to N-Scale. The figure is a Presier 1:160 figure.
The Peco body kit was probably just something Peco whipped up for the heck of it, but if it is even remotely to scale, it is probably at a scale of 1:148 (British N-gauge).
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #411 on: November 17, 2015, 02:12:46 PM »
Wow, yeah, the engine does look a good bit big compared to the guy.


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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #412 on: November 18, 2015, 01:16:06 PM »
It is what it is. It looks good as long as it isn't near any figures.

It wasn't meant to be anything accurate. And I didn't have any measurements to give to the guy that did the drawing. Plus, it was a spare-time project for the guy. So it was just a shoot-from-the-hip type thing.

Even though the Peco N6.5 body kit locomotives aren't anything close to what I need for my era and locale, they'll have to do for now. Afterall, I got them in a trade. I traded a bunch of Märklin track and two pieces of old micro-trains Z-scale rolling stock.

I have all my hopes and dreams riding on a top-tier 3D designer into whose hands I have placed the dimensions of the PowerMax! chassis and photos/scale-drawings of the County Donegal Railway's #11 "Phoenix", a former steam locomotive turned diesel locomotive, and hopefully in due time a 3D model of the Phoenix designed to fit on the PowerMax! chassis will come about.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #413 on: December 03, 2015, 10:32:01 PM »
I forgot to mention that my PowerMax! chassis arrived over the weekend.
I have yet to give it it's first run around the layout, mainly because I'm using the space that the layout normally occupies so that I can install a couple decoders in some engines and tackle a couple weathering projects.

Plus I need to dig up my 6v power supply so that I don't zap the chassis to death.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #414 on: December 06, 2015, 08:08:44 PM »
Gave the PowerMax! chassis a quick back-and-forth test run with two AA batteries.
It moves.
I just need to give the track a thorough cleaning before I go ahead and put a little weight on it and give it some proper test-laps around the layout.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #415 on: February 14, 2016, 10:14:19 PM »
So earlier tonight I was in a cool Irish bar and...

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And of course, it wouldn't be proper without one of these:

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 10:16:52 PM by VonRyan »
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #416 on: March 27, 2016, 04:58:01 PM »
Pulled the layout off a shelf and put it on some open space that I made on my worktable the other day.
Tweezered off any cat-hairs and other assorted debris.

Now I'm working on finishing the dirt road.

Still haven't decided what I want to use for water. I know that i'm not going to be painting the riverbed. I plan on using some brown earth soil and a few stones for that.
What options do I have for a good-looking country stream, and that won't creep up the riverbanks into the static grass...
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #417 on: March 29, 2016, 01:00:22 PM »
I put the first layer of riverbed down.

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For some odd reason the 70% alcohol I used to "wet" the soil caused the woodland scenics scenic-cement to push up into the static grass...
So now I've had to scrape away parts of the static grass...

I suppose that I mind as well scrape away a 5mm buffer-zone between the grass and the riverbed if this is going to keep happening as I get the river finished, except for the water, since I don't know what to use...
I don't want to have to chisel off more scenery on account of "water" creeping up the banks.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #418 on: March 29, 2016, 02:22:51 PM »
I should mention that the above photo was taken after I removed the "creeping dirt" (and sadly some of the awesome static grass) from the banks of the river. I still have a bit more riverbed that needs the first layer, then I can go back and add some larger stuff to finish out the look. That'll just leave the water needing to be done.

Right now I've shifted focus back to the dirt road. Hoping to get it at least 99% finish by the end of the week.

The layout has pretty much reached the point where I can say that I have pretty much attained the vision that I had in my head, which for me is a huge achievement. This is really only the second time it has happened to me.

Once the layout is "done" in terms of scenery, I plan to turn my focus towards the rolling stock.
Eventually, hopefully, my bare PowerMax! chassis will be adorned with a 3D printed shell of the County Donegal Railway's No.11 "Phoneix" and then the Märklin/Peco engine can be placed into reserve.
If a way to make my Peco rolling stock kits function ever makes itself known, then I'll have more than just a light engine running around the layout.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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Re: Killashandra - Irish Nn3
« Reply #419 on: March 30, 2016, 12:17:31 AM »
Now he's gone and done it...  :facepalm:

I stripped the riverbed, the riverbanks, and even a nearby hillside...

So not only do I have some land to smooth and paint again, but now I need to build a static grass applicator and re-grass the landscape which I have just butchered with 91% alcohol and dental tools.

And of course the layout is due to be at the 3rd annual Atlantic City N-Scale Gathering on April 23rd and 34th...

Let's hope that I can at least get a grassinator built soon so that I can replace the removed greenery.

Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
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