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I think your fears are unfounded. Even with any shortcomings observed with the NW2, it's clear that Bachmann has stepped-up its efforts in a huge way, which you've even noted in this thread.
Even if the prototype didn't ? GMD-1's almost exclusively used a high skid resistance surface on walkways as opposed to traditional tread plate so.....
As far as Jason bashing Bachmann, I don't think that is the case. I have feeling that if this model was made by company XYZ, then Jason would still have critiqued it here. He would then be critiquing company XYZ - whoever produced the model. It just happens to be Bachmann.
One thing I disagree with Jason about is the thread-plate. I rather have smooth walkway than out of scale thread-plate. Truly scaled thread-plate in N scale would be barely visible without magnification.
They had standard EMD/GMDD cross hatch treadplate...
Nut it's not just the NW-2.Here's the 70 Tonner.Let's just look at the door louvers. There are two basic configurations the 70 tonners had, and this matches neither. Also the door by the step should be shorter and have no louver, but instead the designer just mirrored the other side and called it good.It's just plain lazy. The cab windows on the RS-3 are the same thing. Not even close to what they are supposed to look like. But eh, who cares?It bugs me, what can i say?Anyways, I have brake valves to machine and superior doors to kitbash. I suppose I should get to them.
Since certain details are being cut in the molds (things like radiator grille, louvers or hood doors) for an inexpensive model, how does it cost more to cut them to properly represent the items on the real locomotive rather than making them inaccurate (wrong size or shape)?
I would be curious as well and can put an example to this.Here's the new Bachmann F7.Here's the proto.Just looking at the louvers, it's a detail they already have but didn't do much with. Jason
This list is great for voicing our disappointments in model releases. I highly suggest though that you also send your disappointment letters to the manufacturers and let them know they are loosing customers. N-Scale isn't even in the ballpark when it comes to getting the attention to correct bad manufacturers oversight like HO does. I think most likely because most N-Scalers are complacent to be happy to get something instead of taking th etime to send their complaints to the manufacturer. Although I doubt it is even worth it to send any complaint to Bachmann. I do think though that most other manufacturers would listen if enough modelers would stand up and say "Hey, this is unacceptable". N-scale is not taken seriously by the manufacturers. My proof is all the foobies that still crop up and the incorrect numbering series on freight cars and locomotives are still in the dark ages (not all, but most).When you go to train shows and the manufacturers are there. Stop going up to them and complimenting them on everything they do. Yes, let them know when they do something good, but if you have a beef with something that is incorrect, point it out and give them proof of your arguement.I for one will NOT buy any Bachmann diesel locomotive. Pure hideous junk to the eyes. They do not care enough to take the time to get it right. My $$$$ go elsewhere. Same goes for Atlas Trainman. Can't stand it. Why dumb down a product.
... Maybe the only explanation is simply sloppiness of the designers, or lack of proper reference materials (they are simply winging it), and not any additional cost involved in the manufacturing.