Author Topic: Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club Train Show: October 12th and 13th, 2013  (Read 934 times)

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I have been asked by the coordinator of the show from the Atlantic County 4-H to spread the word about our second-ever train show. We, the members of the Model Railroad Club, hope that if we can get more visitors, we can make the show a regular event with even more vendors and exhibitors. Show details are as follows; taken directly from the show flyer:


Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club Train Show

October 12 and 13
From 10:00am until 4:00pm (both days)

Located at the Atlantic County 4-H Fair Grounds:
Route 50 south Egg Harbor City, New Jersey
(1/2 mile north of exit 17 off of the Atlantic City Expressway, and one mile south off of Route 30 White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City)

80 + Vendor Tables of NEW and USED merchandise:
All Scales Represented - G - O - O27 - S - HO - N - Z

Large Operating Layouts, Featuring:
- New Jersey Southern N-Trak Modular Layout -
- 4-H Model Railroad Club N scale Home Layout -
- 4-H Model Railroad Club HO scale Modular Layout -

For additional show information, call:
John Kern - (609) 517 - 8849

- $2.00 per Adult
- Free Admission to Children Under Twelve (12) Years

All Proceeds Benefit the Kids of the Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club.


We hope that you can attend and support the Kids of the Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club, as well as the vendors and exhibitors who graciously donated their time to attempt to make our show a regular event.
- Christian J. Davis


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A link to directions to the 4-H Fairgrounds, which can be a bit difficult to locate by those unfamiliar with Southern New Jersey. I hope you can all make it to the show!
- Christian J. Davis