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Can be as big or as small as you want. A truck dumping product into a single hopper on a siding. A massive coal breaker serving scores of cars a day. And you can have the railroad running cars from the mine to the breaker. Coal mines are quite complicated, but can be modeled simply, if one wishes.
Hmm... so cars go from the mine to the breaker (whatever that is?). Anyone care to explain the process to me in simple terms.This is what I THOUGHT the process was: Railroad brings cars to mine. Cars get filled up with coal. Railroad takes cars to power plant or some other user(s).Hmm... I'm gonna go sitthis one out...
When MR did their series on n-scale Clinchfield, they placed a coal mine and power plant on the layout. Then connected the two under a mountain by two tracks.A coal train could deliver loaded hopper cars to the power plant backing the cars in and disconnect. Then locomotive to could be connect to empty hoppers on the adjacent track and take them back to the power plant.I attempted to model this operation on one of my earlier layouts. If one is doing an Edna mine set up, that creates a challenge of hiding the connecting tracks between mine and power plant, but could be done with a lesser sized hill.