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To me EZ Line is one of the great tools we have to create a more realistic scene...Mine has been installed for over 5 years now and it's still elastic.
For me, it's not as much about the wired pole lines as much as it is about the piss-poor availability of good line poles.I've spoken to Rick Rideout at Rix on more than one occasion as far back as 20 years ago pleading with him to make his poles and crossarms available to N Scale.If you haven't seen them, they are fantastic models in HO Scale.Obviously, I haven't gotten anywhere.
Verne's poles are simply fantastic - stained individual wood parts and individually applied insulators.I got about 30 poles from him and enough parts for another 30 poles and I've only successfully assembled about 4 more poles... gluing insulators to crossarms, I don't know how he ever even did it.I'm split (pun intended) between poles that look that good and something as tough as Kevlar or carbon-fiber seems impossible. I know that brittle Styrene won't cut it, but most of your more flexible/tough nylon plastics are shiny and unpaintable. I've made most of my poles on the layout semi-breakaway as I'd rather repair a hole in the scenery rather than loose a pole.Closeup of Verne's work: http://www.randgust.com/Nscalenorm01.jpg (Yes, that's Norm and Sue in the background retired at the Flagstaff trailer)These were all Verne's that I got when he went into On30; wish I had more: http://www.randgust.com/winslow%20welcome5.jpgBut I still love Mike Winicki's wires.... it's a real wow when you see it firsthand, even if photo theory says they are fat.
"Fine" EZ Line is .010"...
I thought I was missing something because the EZ Line I've always worked with is way thinner than the .010 phosphor bronze I've used for detailing, so I broke out the calipers. Here is Fine EZ line laying through the calipers set at .010". I know Berkshire Junction lists them at .010", but there's clearly quite a bit of daylight visible. Doing my best not to pinch, I read between .004 and .003". When stretched, it'll easily go below .002".