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Speaking of whom, what became of Victor? He kind of disappeared when the A Board did.
Well, it'll be slow goin then. But at least it'll keep on going.I took a break from the engine to focus on the tender. Working on putting in the holes for the Bachmann power pickups. I just have no idea how to put the trucks on.-Cody F.
Post some photos of the tender bottom (and show the trucks in one, just for reference and to refresh peoples' memories).I bet we'll have some ideas. My first thought is to just drill holes and insert some styrene tubing pieces thatthe Bachmann trucks will slip over, and then tap the inside of the tube for a screw you can put in to hold the truck on. I do that with Trix K4 tenders when I retrofit the trucks. Styrene tubing has a pretty thick wall, and you can tap threadsinto it for 2-56 screws.
One other clarification: I don't exactly solder to a screw. I won't say I've *never* done it, but what I usually do isdrill and tap a 00-90 hole, then solder the wire to a 00-90 brass washer, and put that washer under the screw when I screw it into the tapped hole. That does allow you to remove the screw and unhook the wire without unsoldering anything for disassembly and repairs.