It's a model of a Gunderson 48' All-Purpose (AP) Husky Stack. The "125-ton" part is nonsense, particularly if it actually says that on the car. This new run features knuckle couplers, that is probably the only thing different from previous runs.
Almost all of the paint schemes are foobs for this car. Correct schemes for this car would be TTX (the scheme
without the black ends) and probably BN and BNSF although I don't remember if they got the schemes exactly right. Perhaps some others such as Southwind, can't remember off the top of my head anymore.
The containers are not really a true prototype, and are a bit short, although I have forgiven these defects and acquired some of the more appropriate schemes, which include APL and JB Hunt. Many of the containers schemes are also foobs, such as 53' BN and SP cans, and smooth side Pacer Stacktrain.
There is a Gold Medal Models detail set, which will much improve this car. For some real inspiration, see this: in the bottom container is required.