A bit late to the party, but here's my two cents:
Forget about clubs & their availability and model the station scene in the format that will please you the most.
If you want to view it from one side, have a backdrop and three tracks racing through, then do NTrak.
Realize that if you do show it with a group, it'll be at 40" and might be sandwiched between a circus and a Star Trek themed module.
Somehow I have a feeling that oNeTrak or Free-moN would appeal to the fine modeler in you.
BTW, Free-moN is beginning to have a 2-track "standard" at 1 1/8" track centers.
We're building some and the N-Land Pacific guys have a bunch:
http://www.nlandpacific.com/Modules.pdfYou build the three-four modules with the two track and then have short 1'-2' modules to "adapt" to one track.
And you can always build your sections however you want to fit YOUR space and then build "adaptor" section-to-module units for each side of it using whatever standards you want.
Personally, I'd probably build your scene with two straightish 18"x4' sections for the station proper, and then two 18"x2'-3' angled modules for the bridges. That way you'd have a good 6'+ for trains at the station. And, maybe even more important, having two pairs of paired modules allow for endplates which makes transport and protection WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier:

[The legs do come off

Paired modules with endplates survive, while the single modules get their scenery smashed or ripped off lickity-split.
While many standards call for 24"-wide modules, our experiences has shown us that 18" works out moooocho better for transport while still giving plenty of room to create a quality scene.
But whatever works for you!
While it's good to consider the members of the clubs around, our group is living proof of "If you build it, they will come":
Silicon Valley Free-moN started with 2 dudes in an HO club who wanted to run some N stuff.
When I joined it was about 4 dudes (2 1/2 "active").
The NTrak club had a kabillion members and modules (and some very cool people), but I just liked the cohesive flow & quality work of Free-moN.
That was a year ago.
For the upcoming World's Greatest Hobby show in March we'll have 9-10 members, about 20 modules, and over 300 feet of mainline running.
So if you're balking at Free-moN because there isn't a group around, just realize there
will be after you start building!
Looking forward to seeing your scene no matter which route you take.