Author Topic: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.  (Read 9847 times)

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2013, 10:55:56 PM »
   I would really have preferred FreemoN, but its just not popular enough on the east coast. I have one oNeTrak module and am building 3 more that are to be ready in April.

Bantraks oNeTrak is really close to FreemoN as we use code 55 rail. The big difference is height, FreemoN is 54 inches floor to rail, while oNeTrak is the same as N-Trak, 40 inches floor to rail.

We also allow two track interfaces on the end of modules.

John Hale
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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2013, 11:17:12 PM »
BANTRAK uses Atlas code 55 on their oNetrak modules. (When we can get it). There are a few modules in the works that will allow our modules to be set up FremoN style as well as our usual loop. We closed the loop a couple of years ago for the B & O layout. Getting enough members every day for two+ weeks to keep trains running was tough enough. We were only running operations on the oNetrak layout on Sat and Sunday. That left a fairly large chunk of modules with nothing going on at all for 5 weekdays. Closing the loop allowed setting a train out to circle all day. It looks better to the patrons and we really want to be invited back each year.
This year we figured out that the loop could still exist and branches could shoot off in different directions from it. It also allows using the space better. Modules are in the works to achieve that. April's Timonium show should see some of those. Mine will be using ME code 55. As interest and participation grows we hope to be able to take on some venues that might not be convenient to do with NTRAK but would work better with oNetrak. Oakland station comes to mind...
My "Banjo" modules that connect NTRAK to oNetrak use Peco 55 at the NTRAK end adapted to Atlas 55 on the oNetrak end. Simple enough to do by filing off the code 80 part of the Peco rail. I have a jig for doing it. Ee have several Peco/Atlas adapter tracks made up in our track box.

Martin Myers
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 11:19:38 PM by mmyers »

Mark W

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2013, 11:38:59 PM »
As others have pointed out, M.C. made me a believer in Free-moN too. 

My two modules pairs:

Marsland, Nebraska

Roca Dry Bulk Transfer

No Free-moN club in your area?  There was none in my area either...   until I took charge.
Contact me about custom model building.
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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2013, 11:49:33 PM »
Find a group of guys with the same ideas about what you want and set your own standards. I guess like mini modutrak.


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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2013, 09:02:40 AM »
Time to start a Modutrak Eastern Division. 

~ Matt


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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2013, 09:42:05 AM »
I'd do oNeTrak because of the availability of others in the area. I really liked both Modutrak and Free-MoN (and would prefer this) but there's no-one on the east in N-scale to do it with, let alone the Philly area,

- Phil

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2013, 10:18:40 AM »
want my radical two cents - do the modules, then get two sets of legs (one for Bantrak/onetrak and one for Free mo N).  run with Bantrak when they do thier One trak stuff, and let a few of us radicals start an east coast Free mo group (perhaps aligned with the HO guys who run Capitol Free Mo).
Philip H.
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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2013, 11:44:08 AM »
In order to maintain some degree of prototype fidelity, I'm leaning toward OneTrack with the Bantrak guys.  I'm envisioning three modules forming an inside corner, first being the Potomac bridge south of the station, the middle being the station and the freeway, and the third being the steel beam bridge and Queen City Brewery.

If some other fellows wanted, modules could be added to go up the Narrows with the B&O on the other side of Wills Creek, City Junction and on up to Eckardt Jct. where the tangled mess of bridges is located.

I figure as long as the geometry works out for a closed loop set up, that would be fine.  And three modules wouldn't be unreasonable to pack and move as long as I continue to have a chick with a pick up in my life... :lol:

I'll start doing some doodles and see what I come up with.
Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon


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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2013, 11:49:35 AM »
In order to maintain some degree of prototype fidelity, I'm leaning toward OneTrack with the Bantrak guys.  I'm envisioning three modules forming an inside corner, first being the Potomac bridge south of the station, the middle being the station and the freeway, and the third being the steel beam bridge and Queen City Brewery.

If some other fellows wanted, modules could be added to go up the Narrows with the B&O on the other side of Wills Creek, City Junction and on up to Eckardt Jct. where the tangled mess of bridges is located.

I figure as long as the geometry works out for a closed loop set up, that would be fine.  And three modules wouldn't be unreasonable to pack and move as long as I continue to have a chick with a pick up in my life... :lol:

I'll start doing some doodles and see what I come up with.

re: geomerty...   45's and 90's are the current corners we have...   as long as your 3 rig set comes out to 45 or 90... we would be good...

another option would to be "let it wander" and just run it as a branch line off one of the spurs...  as a dead end (i.e. "run out to Cumberland")

this is where your doodles would come in handy... 

either way... it sounds like it would work.

before you hang wire.. be sure to talk to someone... it will be easier to buy a wire harness form Bantrak than role your own.

my radical 2 cents.
"I have a train full of basements"

NKPH&TS #3589

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2013, 11:51:07 AM »
Something like this...
Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2013, 11:56:49 AM »
That would be exceptionally pornographic.  I love it!

Looks like very little selective compression would be necessary.  You could even use the bridges to hide the module seams on the river.


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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2013, 12:02:22 PM »
That would be exceptionally pornographic.  I love it!

Looks like very little selective compression would be necessary.  You could even use the bridges to hide the module seams on the river.



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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2013, 02:38:42 PM »
Ooh, Cumberland.  Now Green Blob-free.   :trollface:

Seriously, I really like it, too, and had the same thoughts regarding the seams in the river that Dr. Vollmer suggested.  Would you model the far side of the river opposite the station or have the river be the front in the middle section?

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2013, 03:06:03 PM »
I'd probably make Wills Creek the front edge, although there's a fairly iconic old hotel building at Baltimore Street across the creek from the station that would be a pretty identifiable landmark.  So I'd probably work it so there's about 6 or 8" of foreground scenery in front of the river.
Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon

M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: Free Mo N or Ntrak. Seeking direction now for a project later.
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2013, 10:12:20 AM »
A bit late to the party, but here's my two cents:

Forget about clubs & their availability and model the station scene in the format that will please you the most.

If you want to view it from one side, have a backdrop and three tracks racing through, then do NTrak.
Realize that if you do show it with a group, it'll be at 40" and might be sandwiched between a circus and a Star Trek themed module.

Somehow I have a feeling that oNeTrak or Free-moN would appeal to the fine modeler in you.
BTW, Free-moN is beginning to have a 2-track "standard" at 1 1/8" track centers.
We're building some and the N-Land Pacific guys have a bunch:
You build the three-four modules with the two track and then have short 1'-2' modules to "adapt" to one track.

And you can always build your sections however you want to fit YOUR space and then build "adaptor" section-to-module units for each side of it using whatever standards you want.

Personally, I'd probably build your scene with two straightish 18"x4' sections for the station proper, and then two 18"x2'-3' angled modules for the bridges.  That way you'd have a good 6'+ for trains at the station.  And, maybe even more important, having two pairs of paired modules allow for endplates which makes transport and protection WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier:

[The legs do come off  :P]

Paired modules with endplates survive, while the single modules get their scenery smashed or ripped off lickity-split.

While many standards call for 24"-wide modules, our experiences has shown us that 18" works out moooocho better for transport while still giving plenty of room to create a quality scene.
But whatever works for you!

While it's good to consider the members of the clubs around, our group is living proof of "If you build it, they will come":
Silicon Valley Free-moN started with 2 dudes in an HO club who wanted to run some N stuff.
When I joined it was about 4 dudes (2 1/2 "active").
The NTrak club had a kabillion members and modules (and some very cool people), but I just liked the cohesive flow & quality work of Free-moN.
That was a year ago.
For the upcoming World's Greatest Hobby show in March we'll have 9-10 members, about 20 modules, and over 300 feet of mainline running.
So if you're balking at Free-moN because there isn't a group around, just realize there will be after you start building!

Looking forward to seeing your scene no matter which route you take.
M.C. Fujiwara