Author Topic: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout  (Read 16759 times)

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N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:00:14 PM »
I am an on-again / off-again N-scale modeler since about 1982.  (I have too many hobbies…). 

Back in the early 1980s I began a smallish N-scale layout (L-shaped 14.5 feet x 8 feet) based on the techniques used in the MR Clinchfield (I bought the book).  It represents 3 sequential scenes on the SP San Joaquin Valley line circa 1955.  At the time I lived in a tiny studio apartment, but made maximum use of the available space by building my layout above much of my existing furniture.  Thus my workbench, stereo, wargaming table, etc. were all under the layout, which was at approximately eye-level. 

Here is a concept perspective sketch from back then.  The current version will look similar, except for more prototypical scenes (per the text below).  Here we are primarily looking at scene #2 (Edison, CA), with a fragment of scene #1 (Bakersfield) on the left, and a fragment of scene #3 (Tunnel 1/2 and Caliente) on the right.  I was fortunate to obtain some photos of Tunnel 1/2 just prior to it being daylighted, although this sketch doesn't reflect that information. 

That layout stagnated in the track laying and wiring stages, and has no backdrop, scenery, or lighting.  However, since the design was portable, I was able to move it twice, and am now able to consider finishing it. 

I still like my original design, with a few exceptions.  These mostly include modifications to details of the track plan to more closely represent the prototype.  I plan to do much of the scenery from photographs.  These also include updated locomotive models, as these have  improved over the years.  My current major dilemma is whether to replace my existing Shinohara code 70 track (still unballasted) with code 55, along with associated changes to wheel sets. 

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 03:50:33 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 12:04:35 PM »
Here’s what it looks like so far (see image below). 

At the moment I am diverted into working on a small scenery test section (12” by 18”).  This latter is primarily intended to allow me to make a final decision on whether to stick with the code 70 Shinohara, or go to code 55 Atlas.  Code 55 would require me to hand-build most of the switches/turnouts in the Bakersfield yard, as the current track plan includes 2 double slip switches, one double crossover (faintly visible at the far end of the yard), and a large number of number 4 switches (not available from Atlas). 

A secondary benefit of this test module is to allow a final decision on basic dirt color, basic ballast color and treatment, etc.  In turn, these colors will be influenced by whether I can duplicate Gary Hinshaw's airbrush fading techniques for my factory-painted diesels (largely black-hole black at the moment, per the 2 RSD-5s and 2 F7s visible in the image below). 

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 11:44:43 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 12:40:30 PM »
Just for the heck of it, here's a reduced-size image of the east portal of Tunnel 1/2 (from an original sent to me by David Willoughby):

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 04:14:52 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 12:54:44 PM »
Mark -
My personal preference is for C55 track.  With your plans to vignette this layout, I would think that the best choice, however you need to do what is ultimately best for you.

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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 01:02:24 PM »
Mark -
My personal preference is for C55 track.  With your plans to vignette this layout, I would think that the best choice, however you need to do what is ultimately best for you.

Starting from scratch, I would definately agree with you. 

I will probably post an image of my test module when done.  One factor in my favor, if I decide on staying with code 70, is that I have a number of mid-1950s color photos showing the mainline ballast near Caliente stained a rusty brown color out to several inches beyond the ends of the ties.  This is well-groomed SP 1950s mainline ballast, and not a yard or siding.  This color is essentially identical to the color of the ties and rails, and thus it camouflages the excessive tie spacing on the Shinohara quite well.  I need to see what it looks like in my test module, though.  Even if it looks OK, clearly the code 55 would look even better. 

« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:13:27 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 01:14:44 PM »
Most excellent!  I love the concept, especially the stretch in Edison.  What is your schematic like?  Dog bone? Loop?

If you're really a hot/cold modeler, I'd stick with the C70 track for now.  Start scenincing the Caliente section (probably the simplest, track-wise) and see what you think.  You can always go back and start over, but a bird in hand is awfully valuable.

Either way, I'll follow with interest!!


added - good plan with the track, as amended above. Please do post photos.  -gfh
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:17:50 PM by GaryHinshaw »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 01:19:27 PM »
Most excellent!  I love the concept, especially the stretch in Edison.  What is your schematic like?  Dog bone? Loop?

Linear loop-to-loop, with 2-3 storage tracks at each end.  Implausible though it sounds, the upper (east) return loop will be behind the Bakersfield valence.  Only the lower storage and return loop is visible in the above image, but I have actually done a mock-up of the upper one, and believe that it will work.  The main problem with the integral upper return section is that it forces me to put scene #3 (Caliente) higher than I would like.  I mean, it's easy enough to gain elevation in the helix, but the entirety of scene #3 starts at the Tunnel 1/2 exit, and continues to rise at a 2% grade.  I will need to have some sort of portable platform in front of it for shorter people (like my wife). 

« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 01:22:38 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2013, 01:21:35 PM »
While I generally agree re. Code 55, the compression afforded by the double-slips and other complex switchwork can't be ignored, and would make for quite a project in itself if you were to hand-built the switches. IOW, if I were in your shoes and had the stash of Shinohara to finish the job, Code 70 or not I'd stick with it. And then maybe get conversant on track painting techniques to help reduce the visual impact of the over-scale rail.

1955? Wasn't at least one of the shoo-flies still being used around a collapsed tunnel from the '52 quake? I don't recall the exact timeline, but it would be an interesting feature to model if you made the room for another scene.

I grew up in the area and railfanned it from ~1966-1982, so if you have any questions I might be able to help. I also have John Signor's Tehachapi on the shelf if there's something I don't immediately recall.

Note: Images linked in my postings are on an HTTP server, not HTTPS. Enable "mixed content" in your browser to view.

There are over 1000 images on this server. Not changing anytime soon.


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2013, 02:06:05 PM »
I grew up in the area and railfanned it from ~1966-1982, so if you have any questions I might be able to help.

I envy you that experience; I've only been there once (1985).  I took a lot of slides of both background (for backdrop painting), and also of details (although they are often of the wrong era, some are the same).  If I could do it over, I would consider switching my scene #3 from Caliente to Tehachapi/Summit.  Unfortunately, I don't have the photographic coverage to do that. 



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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2013, 10:42:40 AM »
Track plan (sort of).  Note that this image was originally of my 1984-era pencil sketch submission to one of the MR track planning contests.

This image's depiction of track alignment has been updated since 1984, as has much of the scenery, using Photoshop.  More stuff will probably change when I actually try to do the scenery on the layout, such as the exact size and placement of the buildings in the Edison scene. 

Track is code 70 Shinohara with various #4, #6, curved, and double-slip switches, modified to various degrees. I may switch to code 55 with hand-laid turnouts, and if I do this, I will try it out on scene 2 and the helix first.  Minimum radius is 16”.  Maximum train length is the equivalent of 3 F-units, 20 40-foot cars, and one caboose.  The double-track blocks in scenes 1 & 2, the siding in scene 3, and the staging tracks are designed to accommodate this train length.  Turnouts are powered by a screwy slow-motion display motor scheme.  Control is by DC block control for up to 4 cabs.  Shinohara turnouts aren't really DCC-friendly, but If I switch to code 55 hand-laid turnouts, I will correct this. 

One important thing missing from this plan is detail on the lower and upper storage and return loop trackage. The west (lower) track is barely visible in the photo near the beginning of this thread, with the return loop under portions of the Edison and Caliente scenes. The east (upper) track has not yet been built. Implausible though it sounds, the upper return loop will be hidden behind the valence over the Bakersfield turntable area, with the storage tracks stacked above those serving the west end. The upper return loop track will sit above the 16" radius loop visible on the track plan at the left of the Bakersfield scene, and will loop back to penetrate the backdrop approximately where the ice deck building is on the plan. For what it's worth, I have mocked up the upper return loop, and believe that it will work. The downside of this compact arrangement is that the Caliente scene is a bit high, as mentioned previously. 

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 04:12:52 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 11:22:35 AM »
The Giumarra winery mentioned above is an interesting industry; here's what it looked like in 1985.  I believe that the pastel green tanks were there in the 1950s, and also the main building which is finished in an attractive pink-gray stucco, if I remember correctly (I had to color-correct this image from memory due to a bad scan of the Kodachrome slide). 

« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 09:48:32 PM by mark.hinds »


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2013, 01:45:09 AM »
Thanks for posting your plan; I have a much better idea of what you're up to now, and quite like it.

That said, have you thought about making the plan a continuous loop with hidden staging behind Bakersfield, serving both directions?  I don't see the operational advantage to the dog-bone; and the upper loop over the turntable seems like it would make the roundhouse scene really claustrophobic.  You could also do away with the helix at Tunnel 1/2 and put Caliente at a lower level, which seems like it might be desirable.

Just my 2 cents,

P.S. I have the same winery planned for my Edison scene.  Good choice.  :)


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2013, 08:54:23 AM »
Trying to figure out how the upper storage and return loop will work.  Is it on a seperate deck above Bakersfield or is it in Bakersfield?  What is the height difference betwen the two tracks/levels??


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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2013, 05:27:39 PM »
Great stuff, Mark. Here's a photo of the facility I found on Flickr:

Quite a few other structures in Edison and the area (same photostream):

For both you and Gary (just in case it had been overlooked), here's some info and a track arrangement from Jim Lancaster's site:

It'll be a few weeks before I can get over there before the major construction begins on the Caliente-to-Bealville area, but if there are pics needed, just let me know and I'll drop down to shoot a few.

Marc - Riverside

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Re: N-Scale Vignette-Style 1955-1959 Tehachapi Layout
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2013, 07:00:09 PM »
This is pretty interesting. Nice to see different takes on the same scenic element/area

Yes... I'm in N... Also HO and 1:1