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I deck girder seems very unusual for this situation. Jason
I tend to agree and think that at minimum, the girders would be skewed.
Probably not so much skewed as it should have the outer girder longer.I'm always open to suggestions, especially if someone can offer a picture or idea of how to clear the lower track without a steel span. I really want to use a timber trestle to accentuate the A&R's shoestring budget.DFF
Since it's just held in place temporarily, this probably isn't an issue, but looking at that top view, watch out for the radius.It clearly has a sharp bend in the right section before the bridge.
I hope this doesn't deflate your plan about using that girder bridge, but I think an all-wooden curved trestle would be the way to go,with no steel girder in the middle.
Wood trestles do sometimes have open spans in the middle of them to allow a track to run underneath. Since the whole trestle would be curved, you could make the whole curve a lot more gradual and uniform. If you use a straight span in the middle, likethe girder bridge you have in there, you will necessarily have to make sharper curves on either side of it.
Skewed would be better as far as the bents are concerned:
M.C. - lovely scene. Is the oil tank scratchbuilt or does someone offer that as part of a kit?