Author Topic: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage  (Read 10319 times)

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Stourbridge Lion

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2012, 11:37:06 PM »
Currently I am thinking of using sectional track (likely Code 55) and definitely using it as a design tool.  Right now I only have things thought through down the left side while taking in ideas from folks such as yourself...

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2012, 12:30:22 PM »
West/Top Wall - Level #1

OK, here are a couple of diagrams show both Track #1 (GREEN) and Track #2 (BLUE). This first shows all the track in this section and the second is how I think the hidden track might look. Note the Helix is just an option to get between levels and thus Track #1 and Track #2 would turn behind the door to allow a train to stay on this level. If it's better to have the Outer Helix be the downward and the Inner be the Upward I might have to adjust things a bit but that is exactly the advise I am looking for!!!

I've zoomed in a bit so it's easier to see what tracks are at what elevation with respect to each other. In this first view you can see the four tracks heading down the left wall but the two closest to the wall will be hidden. Allot of the Top wall will also be hidden so the "Track Heavy" look in this view should lighten up in the next diagram...

Here is the Hidden Track view of above. There is track at three (3) elevations with Track #1 (GREEN) being the lowest near the edge of the benchwork. About 2.5" above that is the Double-Slip where Track #1(Green) and Track #2 (Blue) can be combined for a single train to use both tracks as a larger loop within this level. Finally Track #2 (Blue) closest to the wall is higher yet and the most visible in this section. The "Access" hole would be 100% behind a View Block / Scenery and a panel behind the door could also be removed for access too. After that, access to remaining hidden track would be from below


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2012, 01:49:54 PM »
Couldn't you utilize the helix space for the return loops as well? Just run them outside the perimeter of the helix. This would open up a huge amount of space in the layout room for other more interesting things.


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2012, 02:22:50 PM »
Couldn't you utilize the helix space for the return loops as well? Just run them outside the perimeter of the helix. This would open up a huge amount of space in the layout room for other more interesting things.


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2012, 02:30:39 PM »
There is a chance to wife will allow me to expand the ROW by extending the 38" depth space all the way over to the right and then I would likely put the Helix to the right of the Fire Place instead.  If I do gain that extra space I'm thinking maybe a City Scene on one level and a full scale Yard/Passenger Terminal on the other in the Family Room.  Given that possibility I'm drafting a couple of conceptual ideas (with help here in the forums) in the Train Room where it would reach a Helix "somewhere" outside the room via a path behind the door.  I will keep this idea in mind though as what I'm presenting is not set in stone...

Stourbridge Lion

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2012, 02:18:57 PM »
Track #1 / #2 - Box Canyon

OK, here is as far as I have put any serious thought into the Level #1 and hopefully these next two diagrams show the concept I am hoping for down the dead-end aisle.  Track #1 (GREEN) and Track #2 (BLUE) head Up/Down the South Wall.  Track #2 reaches the end of the Box Canyon and then makes a 180 turn back up the other side while Track #1 pass into a tunnel; that might represent the look along the Moffat Route where a trestle passes over a tunnel.

At this point the 4 tracks (2 Hidden) along the South wall separate with two appearing on the far side of the View Block and two travel back up the edge of the Box Canyon.  Note the hidden portion of Track #1 from the South wall is the track that appears on the opposite side of the Canyon and the hidden potion of Track #2 from the South wall is the track that appears on the opposite side  of the View Block.

Here is how it might look with the Hidden Tracks not showing...

Does this help explain my current thoughts for the South Wall

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2012, 02:42:39 PM »

    OK, before I step back to take a serious look at what folks have offered as suggestions on various forums, this is the point I'm a bit stuck...

    One item for a Multi-Level layout, what is the best way to support the Upper Desk(s) while wanting to maintain a L-Girder design throughout. What I would like to avoid is having any outside supports that blocks the view of the mainline so how does one support Level #2+ from within. I assume I will need some support posts in the middle that will need to be considered in the design plus I plan to pull in the electrical for lighting from the ceiling light which is basically dead center in the room...


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2012, 10:59:02 AM »
I have this topic running parallel on a few forums to get as much input from different folks as possible.  On another forum Paul, who lives just outside Amsterdam, took so time to create the below alternative (THANK YOU Paul!) that I wanted to share it here too as I am seriously looking at his approach to the space and Helix design.  I would likely alter the scenery to be more Rocky Mountain rouged but I truly like the track layout concept.


1) How would one support another level above this with highly similar bench-work, would there be sturdy support poles within the View Block that I could hand L-Girders off of every 16" or so?

2) There are folks that have suggested the Outer Helix should be used for Down where I thought it would be better for upward travel.  What are folks thoughts on directions of travel in a double helic?


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2012, 11:16:48 AM »
Your benchwork is conceptually very similar in shape to mine. How I am doing it...

The upper and lower benches along the walls are mounted on shelf brackets on the walls. The upper and lower benches on the peninsula are mounted on shelf brackets on the backdrop wall. See the following posts for pictures and explanation:

When I was a kid... no wait, I still do that. HO, 28x32, double deck, 1969, RailPro


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2012, 09:00:53 PM »
Here's how I did mine:

Wall Mounted:
Lower Level:
Upper Level:


A key for my peninsula was to be able to store stuff under it. The last shot shows that. Also, I put all the stuff I had on the floor in my basement on this benchwork during the build-up to Irene and then left it there most of the fall/winter of this year. It didn't budge at all.


« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 11:19:51 PM by conrail98 »
- Phil

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2012, 05:36:40 PM »
Thanks, that is what I was looking for "How To"  as that would need to be taken into account in the design!!!


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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2012, 08:31:09 PM »
2) There are folks that have suggested the Outer Helix should be used for Down where I thought it would be better for upward travel.  What are folks thoughts on directions of travel in a double helic?

I missed this question before. Definitely have the outer be your "up". It'll be a larger radius thereby reducing your grade. Have the downgrade on the inner one,

- Phil

Stourbridge Lion

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2012, 11:23:13 AM »
Thanks Phil, that was the logic I had in my head too but some folks have suggested using the outer for down because of derailment of the cars pushing.  I don't think I would be running such a long consist to worry about that but wanted to put the question out there for responses...

Stourbridge Lion

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2012, 02:39:46 PM »
Concept #1 / Level #1

    OK, after taking in feedback from folks across various forums, I've redone my diagrams for Concept #1 / Level #1 with the first noticeable change allowing the door from the Family Room to the Train Room to open ~30 degrees wider by moving the Return Loops underneath the Helix rather then being right behind the door...

« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:50:02 PM by Stourbridge Lion »

Stourbridge Lion

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Re: D&H Rocky Mountain Empire (N-Scale) - Design Stage
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2012, 03:47:34 PM »
Concept #1 / Level #1

    The next noticeable change is in the potential bench-work by nearly eliminating the back 24" narrow aisle and a wider top aisle. In the old design I would have rounded off the corners (I too have enough bruises) but note the wider sweeping line of the edges to the center island. This concept now has close to 30"+ aisle all the way around. I have not given up on my "Canyon" but there has been changes there I will get to in another diagram.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 12:50:16 PM by Stourbridge Lion »