Well given that advice I came up with the work around , and some info .
1 - I was running with a 470 resistor which made the LED more flicker noticeable , increased to 1.5K .
2 - I was testing the loco only , with the tender LED in the circuit it acts like the reverse diode in the schematic I guess and cured the flicker . Thats why I never saw this problem before I guess .
3 - Putting all the components in the schematic in a loco would be very problematic . Why there isn't a single micro LED driver with all the components in a chip for a reasonable price , like a buck or three is surprising . ( DC in LED out ) , though less so with DCC's growth like cancer on steroids
4 - That Full Bridge idea I had only works if you want the headlite on in both directions , which isn't all that bad in most cases of operation .