Well as much as I would love to put the time in and figure the issues with each car out, I don't have the time or money to get the books and do the research. I enjoy that kind of thing immensely, and have done it for my 70s Southern Railway main focus over the years. As I have gotten further into this steam era offshoot, I have caught myself a couple of times at 1 in the morning deep in some online archives reading and looking. The SO doesn't mind this lest I complain if tiredness the next day. And no matter what, my girls are up at 6:30 or so wanting breakfast, so my time is limited to say the least. We are now on a short break from cleaning their play room as it is their spring break. Around here no school does not mean no work, LOL.
As much as I would like it to be prototypical, I am going to settle for looks close for the moment. I can not find any decals for the early freight cars if I did manage to scare up some undecs to paint. I looked at Microscale and saw where I could perhaps use a few different sets to come up with something close but that will be down the road a bit. I really want to find some of the 1923 ARA cars in some form (Red Caboose x29 maybe) and then throw one or two Atlas 1932 boxes in there as well. I feel comfortable changing doors if something else is available but I dont think I will be sawing ends off anytime soon. I guess ultimately I am hoping for that look of the different boxcar heights that is the biggest sign of those times when you get a quick glance. If I manage to put together a few fairly close New Haven boxcars as well that would be great. I literally am a rookie in this respect as I put no thought into this era before the start of this thread. I have looked heavily around the nhrhta.org website and, small world time, figured out I dated the daughter of Bernie Rudberg, the guy chronicling the Hopewell Depot restoration, a few times while in high school. Anyway I am disappointed in the lack of RTR New Haven Boxcars form this period even if they are total foobs as it is hard to model a railroad with none of your home line's boxcars. Stand ins would be acceptable to me while closer to accurate was sourced and prepared over a longer time period.
Thanks for your help.