Author Topic: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')  (Read 34930 times)

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #135 on: November 13, 2012, 12:51:35 PM »
MC -

As long as we're pointing things out. 
The cut piles wouldn't typically have Creosote penetration much beyond the first couple inches.  In other words, 80-90% of the centers of each sawn pile would be natural wood color.

Nice scene.

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M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #136 on: November 13, 2012, 03:04:49 PM »
The cut piles wouldn't typically have Creosote penetration much beyond the first couple inches.  In other words, 80-90% of the centers of each sawn pile would be natural wood color.

Right you are.
Was just waiting for the piles to set securely before taking a file or Dremel to the tops.
Even going to try to get the off-set cuts (one slightly higher than the other) to indicate cuts coming from opposite sides.
M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #137 on: November 13, 2012, 07:11:23 PM »
Glued in the concrete scraps and some more debris being removed.
 Cut the trestle bent posts to look like cut bent posts.
 The dozer's broke so it's getting fixed.
 Surveyor team is trying to make sure that the new abuttment is in line with the rest of the track:

Just waiting for some ground cover to dry around the creekbed and then I can do my final pour of water: a thin layer to cover everything that fell in / scratched up the first pour.
Will be building the rail crane that will be next to the surveyors while the water cures.
My daughter created a new tunnel for the module:

I guess our family lives, breathes and eats model trains!
Thanks for looking.
M.C. Fujiwara


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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #138 on: November 13, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
When they replaced a bridge near me they put a gravel road across the river like that, but they also burried 2 large pipes under it like your roadbed fill.  :trollface:

Looks good!

M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2012, 08:42:54 PM »
When they replaced a bridge near me they put a gravel road across the river like that, but they also burried 2 large pipes under it like your roadbed fill.  :trollface:

Looks good!

Funny, I just got an email about that from another dude.
And if they were building both abuttments in the rebar stage I'd be all for it.
But they've already spent the winter (when the streams are low) building both abuttments, and only the near side was mis-cast, so the dozer doesn't really need to get to the other side and a new "road" isn't needed even as the creek starts to rise with the spring rains.

[Or, at least, that's what I tell myself  :facepalm:]

Until they figure out that they build the far side abuttment too high and will have to demo it soon, too.

Anyway, despite having the most bumbling builders on the construction team, I went ahead and poured the Magic Water (tinted with Floquil BNSF Heritage Green and Grimy Black).

It was rather warm today (60's) but the nights (and days) are going to be getting very chilly starting tomorrow (maybe down to low-30's) so wanted to get the pour done now.
 Hopefully will be cured tomorrow night / next day morning.
Am also hoping the fact I already did a pour earlier this year will keep the creep from happening too much, but no problemo if it does.
Next tasks: build the rail crane and then construct the endplates for the module section halves (I figure by using endplates instead of the big box I can free up a few cubed feet in my car! :) )
Thanks for looking.
M.C. Fujiwara


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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #140 on: November 15, 2012, 09:24:41 PM »
Very nice work....especially the rebar

M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #141 on: November 15, 2012, 11:04:59 PM »
Thanks for the kind words.
The water is cured, so I might add a few Gloss Modge Podge ripples here & there.
Also finished the rail crane dedicated to the bridge build:

While the kit had some nice castings, it was obvious from the directions that the N scale kit got shortchanged moocho on a lot of details, so I had to add a lot.

Looks like I need a bit more weathering (though in person it doesn't look as "fresh").

So here's the whole construction scene so far:

I'll try to get the whole module outside tomorrow for some "final" photos, but it's supposed to start dumping rain tonight and go throughout the weekend, so we'll see.

Any other nifty detail suggestions appreciated!

Thanks for looking.
M.C. Fujiwara


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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #142 on: November 15, 2012, 11:30:11 PM »
Any other nifty detail suggestions appreciated!

I like the crane--looks like you spiffed it up nicely. As for other details to add, everything looks just a teensy-weensy bit too neat and tidy to my eye, whereas scenes like this tend to be generally more chaotic. Perhaps you could dig around in some junque boxes and find more junque to scatter around the scene--piles of broken up forms, more lumber, additional new material supplies, small random piles of dirt, gravel and broken-up concrete, etc. Maybe a few vehicles for the workmen and their tools? Some more weeds and scrub might provide additional visual texture as well.

Finally, I'm thinking the water looks really good as it is; I'm not sure I'd add waves. There's a certain serenity to the whole scene, and I believe the water plays a big part in this.

M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #143 on: November 15, 2012, 11:47:56 PM »
It is pretty clean right now  :D
Textures and junk will be added here and there.

As for the water: I wanted to keep it pretty calm and smooth.
I was just thinking of adding a few ripples around the culverts, pilings, and rocks.

Gotta keep the serenity  :scared:
M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #144 on: November 16, 2012, 03:57:46 PM »
Raining today so best I could do was haul the module as close to the open garage door as possible for some shots to show how both sections work together:

Lots of little details still to add, but it's nice to have a module "done" with most of the scenes in so I don't have to keep explaining to viewers what "will be" there.

Now to fit the endplates to it doesn't take up as much room in my car  :scared:

Thanks for looking.
M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #145 on: November 16, 2012, 04:26:11 PM »
Very nice as always!

Yes... I'm in N... Also HO and 1:1


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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #146 on: November 16, 2012, 05:17:09 PM »
Very well done scene!

Interesting take on the figures within the scene in that you have them "in-action" as opposed to the "at-rest" option which I've heard several model rr's suggest.   

I've yet to place figures on my layout and I'm still going back & forth on whether they should be "in-action" or "at-rest".   I have the same quandry about placing vehicles... Do I place them only at intersections (at stop) or do I place them in the middle of the road– Still thinking about that one.

M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #147 on: November 18, 2012, 06:15:06 PM »
I think of the layout like a novel, in which every time you open the pages you're in the middle of the story.
(Which is why you always write about the novel in the present tense)

But as the figures are secured with only a dab of CA, repositioning into a new scene isn't that big of a deal  :D

On the importance of endplates:

I used to cart this Shoofly module around in a custom-built box:

You can see it under everything and how it takes up most of the back of my car.

The dimensions of the ply box are 28"W x 24"H x 37"D.

By attaching endplates, I can reduce the footprint to 19"W x 25"H x 37"D:

Why only 19"W?  By turning the modules on their sides!
So basically I free up over 10" of space, which is more than enough for a bunch of 45 deg modules or legs or anything else!

Plus, all the scenery is totally protected within the box, which is a BIG plus, considering that most module damage occurs during transport.
After putting endplates on Effett Yard and the 45's, I'll probably be able to pack everything in my car (with seats unbolted) and not have to worry about a speedbump destroying a coaling tower or oak tree.

It's all about the packaging!

Thanks for looking.
M.C. Fujiwara

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #148 on: November 18, 2012, 07:48:39 PM »
Digging the bridge scene, great work (in echo of the others)
Tony A

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Re: "Shoo-Fly" Free-moN Module (2'x6')
« Reply #149 on: November 30, 2012, 01:05:57 PM »
That's beautiful, like Ian said, as always.