Whoa, can't believe it's been a month and a half since the last post for this project!
I've been warned again that "this topic has not been posted in for at least 30 days." What have I been doing?
Been working on it here & there, but I guess the boxcab took over.
Well, got some stuff to show.
Started extending the scenery to the right section which, up until now, had only the carfloat and dock done.
Built the receiving building for the brewery, as well as the two removable structures -- the small oil tanks and the brick building that started as a power house but now is part of the brewery -- that hide the hinges:

There'll be a Traincat quanset hut somewhere in that front area, too.
The oil tanks are far from done: still waiting on some industrial ladders, railing & walkways to come in the mail to finish them.
Yes, they still look like the ABS caps that they are right now, but after I add the details & weather I think they'll look pretty good.
Still need to disguise the concrete berm a bit, but that, plus the larger brick structure across the tracks, are removeable, as they disguise the hinges of this "Alameda-in-a-Box" layout:

If my daughter & I had taken more care constructing the benchwork, you wouldn't be able to see the left joint line.
(It's difficult to see the right one, yes?)
Remember, the hinges, because they're mounted above the boards, lifts the sections out & up, so track & scenery can be nearly seemless when flat.
But the static grass & bushes I put in help disguise the crack when photographing down at track level.
I also built two Traincat tankcar loading platforms & stuck them together:
And soon will install the pipes & pump house.
I highly recommend Traincat's brass kits: he ships fast and they're high quality, relatively simple to build, and look great (the detail really sells the rest of the layout!)
http://www.traincat2.com/ Anyway, trying to finish this one up before the Layout Design SIG meet in January (
http://www.pcrnmra.org/sigs/) down in Mt. View, CA (you're all invited! great clinics & layout visits!), so will be putting the pedal to the metal for the next couple weeks.
(Though I also want to build the cannery for the Mt. Coffin layout, too, so we'll see how things go)
Thanks for looking.