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Mmmm Watseka... "home" of the C&EI. Quite a few interesting spots in that parts of Illiana.
Holy crap, it has the crossing, the curved connection between the two lines, the elevator smack in the middle, the other sidings just a little ways away, and a meandering river nearby... who knew?https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Watseka,+IL&hl=en&ll=40.77572,-87.73724&spn=0.004014,0.009398&sll=40.07304,-74.724323&sspn=8.304393,19.248047&t=h&hnear=Watseka,+Iroquois,+Illinois&z=18
But.........Take a look just a few miles to the west from that in the town of Gilman. Mucho small town mid-western RR goodness..
But do not follow your plan too religiously.
Um Mike, ya forgot KCS