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I'm not feeling the latest version. It doesn't feel "midwest" central Illinois to me. More urban.
Urban midwest central Illinois, maybe? Like I said, that's not an area I "feel" myself, so maybe others should do the tweaking.FWIW:
So this blob town seems a bit more small town midwest now I think. Matter of fact, the first thing that came to mind when I saw it was Watseka, IL. Google has it at 5000 people, there is a grain elevator right smack in the middle of town, with the UP/Rail America crossing on the opposite street corner. All the rail activity looks to take place in about a 2500' X 2500' square right in the middle of town. There is a few other spurs, most of which have long been grown over. I don't know how to put the map link, but pull it up and you'll see what I mean.